Whoa, tired now!

Jan 10, 2012 22:51

So today I have managed to get my food in line again. Had to take a small hit and focus on how to eat today since I splurged on some late night calories around midnight "yesterday". It paid off well. I find myself having 150 calories left for the day which I will not eat. Instead I will tuck myself to bed after I have written this. Why you ask, and the explanation is simple:

Today saw my first league game of racquetball. Unfortunately it had to be scheduled today since my opponent could not play any other time. So I started with 70 minutes of a VERY fast-paced game that saw lots of moving and maneuvering. Basically non-stop moving the entire time. After that I still had my cardio commitment, so I changed shoes (yes, I have different shoes for different activity), and hopped on the elliptical. I decided to cut it a little bit short and stepped off at 9:45PM, which gave me time to stretch a bit and take a shower.

Calories burned today: 3058. (phew!)
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