Nov 20, 2011 12:45
ok time for a short rant. now this really hit a nerve and then danced on it. ok, now while i am not the worlds greatest artist i do think of myself as one. i have things i like and things i don't like. i mean seeing a guy get paid 2.5 million dollars for a big canvas that he had four nude females rub themselves against while parts of them were painted blue that blows my mind. is it art?? some one must have thought so to pay that kind of cash for it. now the thing that set my teeth on edge was simple. i know i spend hours on an image. putting my heart and soul on the page or canvas. but today i ran into some one who was all bent out of shape because a site where i post my art deleted images he posted. i was like well what was it? he said he had taken a photo of his maleness and then photo shopped a meme on the tip. i just sat here jaw on the floor lost at what to say to him slowly i tried to find the words to tell him what i wanted to say. no im sorry how is that art? and who is going to want to see it? i'm sorry i know i don't want to flip through a bunch of images that people have spent hours of their lives making pen and ink paints flowing even stuff that is drawn on a computer. i mean to take a photo of your dick and then take an image you found on the net and putting the two together... that is not art in my personal Opinion. anyone can do that where's the skills? where's the love of creation? you did that to mess with people you may as well gone out and tagged your name on a bus. not saying i have not seen some fantastic art painted on the side of a buss or train. i'm just saying it's the same and spray painting you name. take no skill and to get upset that other people don't like it so you run around bad mouthing them because they don't get your idea. i mean some would say i am doing the same thing right now but, i mean come on you go to a site that is aimed at a certain type of art. let's say for Example, furaffinity that is a site mainly for furry art. most people who go there are looking for furry art. i am sure if all you do is cartoon human super heroes, while you may have some who look at your images most are there for furries. furry super heroes would get more views. but you go to a site like that and post an image of your penis with a cartoon meme on the head your trying to troll and i don't blame them for removing the image. just like that other site did. not sure where this is going just needed to vent that some nut job who got bent out of shape because an image that offended got removed. and he had the nerve to compare that thing to stuff that has been done by people who spend hours working on something. talking a blank piece of paper or canvas a pencil and a pen. using their mind and hands to make something come out of the nothing. i mean what the hell man you want to impress me and make me take your side in this issue them put your dick away and learn to draw or even take some photos that people are going to want to see. i mean you want to show off your maleness get a job at a art school as a model. that will work tons of people will see your dick and make art out of it. maybe, i might be wrong here i don't know. but, i am who i am and i have spent years learning my trade. school, tons of books, talking to better artist learning from them. watching the world, getting lost in the simplest things a butterfly drinking from the water in the gutter. a spiders web full of grass after a good wind storm. i just don't see a penis with a meme on the tip as a art i see it as trolling. and that is what you were doing sorry your feeling got hurt but, if i was in charge of that site i would have done the same thing. people go to that site looking for art for images that inspire things. and i am sure they didn't want to see your junk. i just makes my head hurt to listen to this guy rant about how his art was taken down because it offended. well duh of course it did and you knew it was going to. that whole meme face thing it's about trolling. you mad bro and the fffuuuu thing all basically for trolling and your just upset you didn't get too. ok enough i have waisted to much of my time on this peace out people.