Heroes 2x04, "The Kindness of Strangers"

Oct 15, 2007 22:57

Below the cut: Nathan!squee. And some other things about "The Kindness of Strangers". And a casting spoiler for next week.

I had to pause Heroes to say: OMG NATHAN, HOW CAN YOU BE SO GORGEOUS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I don't even understand!!!

And, yes, shaving for his boys is pretty cute.

OMG, NATHAN IS MAKING A PHOTO COLLAGE OF PETER!!!!!! PHOTOS SPREAD OUT ALL OVER THE TABLE!!!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS SHOW???? IS THIS HOW BROTHERS ACTUALLY GRIEVE FOR EACH OTHER IN REAL LIFE????? I don't think so!!! Oh, poor poor woobie Nathan. I can't wait to get this episode on my hard drive so I can cap it and pull out all the individual Peter photos that are visible. DID YOU SEE THE ONE FROM NATHAN'S WEDDING???? At the bottom of the table, where Peter is grabbing Nathan's arm and Nathan is leaning toward him?????? Dude. I can't even...

In non-Nathan reaction, I was pretty entertained by the Sylar storyline for a change. And I like Monica so far, and I'm still not impressed with Claire's storyline this season yet, and West just makes that worse. But the Haitian showed up! If only briefly! What's his name, Tim? It's not cute anymore!!!!

Oh, Matt. Try not to be an idiot, okay? I was just starting to really like you. Stop fighting with Mohinder and just stare at him for a while. His blinding beauty will soothe you. That always works for me.

Mostly, though, this episode was about the supernova of awesome that is Nathan Petrelli.

From next week's trailer:
I'm really kinda dreading Kristen Bell's appearance. And to think she used to be a girlcrush of mine. Oh, the bitterness wrought by feeling betrayed by your first fandom.

nathan, heroes

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