Oct 12, 2007 07:13

Why is it still so dark out? It's only October. This is only one of many reasons that mornings are so hard for me.

Jimmy Eat World put on a good show last night, and I had a great time with raveninthewind. I also enjoyed being able to ogle attractive band boys who are AN ENTIRE YEAR OLDER THAN I AM!!! Quite refreshing. I need to track down more of their earlier music now.

In TV news, why didn't any of you tell me how fabulous Life is? You're all on notice!!! Except, wait, I think pretty much everybody on my flist who talks about TV has said it's a great show. So the question becomes, why didn't you sit me down and force me to pay attention long enough to watch it? I clearly need a keeper. I've tracked down the first couple episodes but not watched them yet. I saw this week's, because I finally remembered to set the DVR to record it.

Damian Lewis is amazing with his Average Joe looks and his out-of-left-field humor that makes him very attractive. And did he actually track down his prison buddy and bring him to LIVE WITH HIM like a married couple??? I was watching the show yesterday with my jaw dropped open, going, "Wait, what?" This is MY HUMOR and my outlook on life. I'm watching a COP DRAMA that totally feels smart and interesting and funny in a sort of subversive way that made me feel like I was getting away with something, that the network didn't really realize what they were putting out there.

Hopefully my enthusiasm will stay high once I've seen more than a single episode.

tv, shows

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