(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 08:47

Wow I really haven't updated in a while. I have been SOOOO busy at work which is usually my time to update stuff. I only have 5 more days of work. Wow. Scary. I am fighting off bitterness today. I didn't get a bonus...I could have REALLY used it. I knew this was likely as I'm not coming back. But I have worked the whole year...on call 24/7...and trained for the last THREE months while exhausted from being pregnant. They don't have to give them I know. I will try to be NOT bitter by this afternoon. Bitter is so ugly -I can't stand it in other people -I will stomp it to death- yes I will. On a happy note the office did throw a shower for me and Kev and gave us a very cool playpen/baby sleeper/changing table thing. It was really nice. Stomp stomp stomp.

I don't last long out in the world these days. I can only walk around doing errands or whatnot for about an hour...then I'm done for the day. Today I had SERIOUS pain in the morning in my pelvis/cervix area. I actually wondered for a few minutes if I was in labor. It was gas. Lovely. I have a month to go...which means squat at this stage in the game. We found out that baby is head down yesterday so really things could happen any time and they'd let me go without interfering. Oi. Stay in there Max...momma's not ready yet.

My brother flys in from Seattle tomorrow and will spend the night with me and Kev. I can't wait to see him. Then on Sat we will go to my parent's house to see them and my other brother's family where we'll spend the night and all do Christmas together. I really really hope I have two good, strong, feeling well kind of days to get me through the holidays. I don't wanna be the whiney pregnant lady. Now I'm too tired to drone on anymore heheh. So I will try to update more later.

For anyone who may still read this, I miss all you guys and at some point I will be back on a bit more regularly. I think about all of you on my friend's list all the time. I hope y'all are doing well. :)
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