Been a while....

Nov 21, 2005 10:02

Well hell. We've been going through the wringer lately.

My trainee is back and work is pure insanity. We have a major project going on in almost every building right now. So on top of regular job functions that I am trying to train her on...we have insanely large construction projects in almost every building that will be handed to her to manage halfway through. Thank God she's smart.

My mom had surgery last week to remove a lump. They don't even bother starting with a biopsy on her anymore. So last week we were obviously in a state of anxiety. On Friday we found out it was benign!!! Thank you God. She will be able to be there when Max comes into the world. :)

Then Athena, our 20yr old kitty started going downhill very fast. On Friday we made an appt for Monday for her to get checked out. By Saturday we realized that she might not make it till Monday and she was so obviously in pain that we made an emergency appt on Saturday. The moaning that was coming out of her was heart wrenching. She was put to sleep on Saturday and Kev and I did pretty much nothing but sit around and cry all day. We had a special burial for her, she's next to Weegie which is appropriate since they were buddies. I miss her so much -it feels like the pain will never lessen.

I hope things can mellow a bit for us. It's been a pretty tough road lately. It is weird how you can be devastated and still elated (about Max) at the same time. Life is such a crazy maze.
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