Apr 23, 2010 22:02
Last week I finished my model at work. Actually, I got so frustrated with it and with my boss fiddling with it early in the week, that by the end I left all the thinking to my boss and just did the doing. Anyway, the draft pretty much final report went out on Monday and I was jumping up and down.*
So Tuesday I brought in a cake that I had iced to resemble a part of the model. I don't bake cakes often, hardly ever. Making more than one layer never even occurred to me, and if it had I would have written it off as too much work. People made fun that it took me so long to run a model with only one layer.
Seven layer dips just aren't as sweet as the taste of done.
Now I'm working on designing a database. It will be a template of sorts so that it can be used on several of our projects. It keeps growing in scope and function as I learn more. There are software packages out there that can do a better job and more than what I'm making. But maybe employee time is cheaper? I think it's going to take a while for me to finish. It should end up being very user friendly for people who don't know MS Access.
This means I'm still in front of a computer. The work isn't quite as tedious as modelling and less frequently aggravating, but I still get the chewies (the desire to eat without actually being hungry). Friday I was better behaved, and had fewer snacks too. But I suddenly developed the urge to do a handstand. Luckily there was only one other person in the office at the time, so I found a wall. I hope this continues!!!!
Also, apparently I have never used the word "comprise" correctly in my entire life.
*I've been working on that model since November. And a few other models before that since July. I now associate anything dark blue with the number 2. And puke will forever remind me of 7. Or maybe it's the other way around.