Pretty in Pink

Apr 23, 2010 21:45

I've been having a difficult time getting into Spring this year. I've been enjoying the flowers (the tulips I planted in January blossomed only last week. They turned out to be daffodils), the not rainy days, and the stormy ones, but I haven't been able to pull out the "Spring wardrobe" (the idea of seasonal wardrobes is coming into its second year for me. There are two seasons in my wardrobe: long and dark; and not dark). It's almost as though I can't bring myself to wear pink, as though I'm growing out of it, too old for it.
What to do? I could go out and buy a new, appropriate Spring wardrobe. However, this would encourage the feeling of age. No, the correct solution is to pull out the pink wardrobe and begin wearing it immediately. You are only as old as you feel, and there is plenty of time to feel old later.

While I've always grimaced or shrunk from the mid-middle aged women who dress like teenagers, I now understand this compulsion and applaud it. Within reason. Some teenagers don't have the best dress sense.

I think good style doesn't need to change as you age, unless you want it to do so.

PostScript: Upon further discussion, it was decided that Spring started back in January shortly before I had to wear blue for a month. After that I didn't know which way was a lighter shade of red.

age, flowers, pink, weather, adult, clothes, spring

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