If I keep my eyes on Jesus, he will help me stay close to him, and the "wind and waves" will not cause me to sink. So says my devlotional today. The stormy lives of those around me sometimes feels overwhelming. God has a purpose in all that He allows in my life and in theirs.
Help us, Lord Jesus, to keep our eyes fixed on you today and every day. Remind us that you will keep us and sustain us all our lives. Amen.
Ontario Works is almost a sure trigger for addicts to use. Jesse fell. He left with his stuff two nights ago to go to a detox centre and then to live with a friend. He said he was being a fraud (because of his lies) and didn't deserve the kindness he'd found at our place. I didn't argue the fact. The rule is that if you are using, you have to go.
John L. was arrested night before last. He had a 5" knife on him when the police stopped and searched him. According to his lawyer who called me at work the next day, there were not charges in regards to drug or alcohol use. But Carl heard rumours at his group last night that John had bought drugs, used, felt guilty and sold what was left. Now this is just a rumour. I don't know how anyone else would know unless they were with him. His lawyer said there would be a bail hearing today and would I consider posting bail. Financially, I'm not in a position to take that risk. And both Garry G. and Carl strongly advised me against it. Garry said he might do so on Monday, but he wants to find out what's up with the knife first.
It's been raining for the last three days, so John will not have missed any work. That's one good thing. O God, speak to John and Jesse in the midst of these events. Carl said it is extremely difficult to break out of the mind-set of the drug and prison cycle. Give them both strength to make the right choices. Thank You for what You have been doing in their lives over the past month.
Carl also shared with me that he is going through medical tests to determine if he has colon cancer. He's also enrolled in an addiction programme at Credit Valley hospital. Father God, help him break free from his addiction that has been hounding him for so long.
So Gerald will go to the courthouse today to listen to John's bail hearing so we can know exactly what the charges are. I pray that is a positive experience for him and does not only serve to feed his biases regarding exoffenders and drug users.
John's girlfriend and his sponsor both called and wanted to come and get John's stuff. I said at least wait till we know how the hearing goes. They are like vultures circling over carion.
Lord, help me to focus on my work today while maintaining a prayerful attitude. Please protect my guys through whatever they face giving them strength to be honest and make right choices. Birth a change within each of them that makes them hungry for You to lead their lives. Thank you for each of them. I love them and You love them, so maybe together we can support them in wisdom. Lord, I need Your wisdom today and in the days to come.
I have been doing okay foodwise the last couple of days in spite of the disappointments with the guys. Tomorrow I go to Newmarket to see Mom.