I cant believe Taya is almost a month old already! Time has been going by so quickly its crazy!
Taya and her 9lb 2oz self...
Isnt she cute in her little dress?
I wish she was always this good...
And because I have the worst luck we get to celebrate Taya being 1 month old by staying at my parents because a pipe busted under our house and we have to pull up half the kitchen floor and about 1/4 of Tayas brand new, took me a month to make perfect nursery floor :( The day we found out I think I cried as much as Taya did.
See my lovely house?
That is the kitchen....
are Tayas room.
Oh and to top everything off Taya and I have a minor case of thrush and its making breastfeeding almost umbearable even with us being on antibotics...
BUT other than all of that everything is wonderful and Taya is going to get easter pictures taken with her friend sometime next week. :)
And Congrats to everyone that has had their babies recently and to everyone that is still waiting, dont worry it will happen soon enough! :)