May 10, 2007 15:36
i found out today just how easy people are to read, messed i know but its tue as humans w think we can hide how we feel,some people can hide emotion very well others try and fail while more people fake them for attenion.Myself being really fucked as most people know i am when it comes to this am as easy as a book to read i dunno how but i am.I think what allows people to know what is bothering us is our eyes sine "our eyes are the gateway to our soul".Th reason im saying this is because i was alittle unlike myself and everyone one i know knew it right away and knew wat was bothering me even though i never told them they just knew.I think what i have been doing way to much lately is thinking cuz that seems to be all i ever do now and i hate it.I hate how alot of things in my life have been goingthe last 6 months,not just relationship wise that isnt so much what ive been thinking about but more along the lines of other shit like my friends and suicide. fuck it ive said to much still doung that like always