Well.....I'm STILL alive!

Aug 19, 2008 22:02

After almost a week, I'm still having trouble hearing out of my left ear....thus why I've been uber quiet and not online much.....well that and for other reasons too....ANYWAY....I had a fever....I was in massive pain (and I'm really not a wuss when it comes to pain).....but yah.....ear infections SUCK....allergies SUCK.......but this rain we're getting does NOT suck........ <---see RANDOM.....but yah it's been raining for days now....lower 70's.....my kind of weather....hurry UP FALL!!!!!!!!!!

....I am getting better tho....I'm still alive (I know that will piss some ppl off haha)....still here....still doing fantastic other than being SICK....even after several days of anti-biotics I'm STILL getting a fever here and there....oddly this is the first time I've been on anti-biotics in MORE than 10 years....

....nothing much to report on this side....well nothing I'd report ONLINE that is......hmmmm here is some random stuff since I'm the queen of brainless 'random'......I have about 8 humming birds that visit my back yard (AMAZING!)......ummmm Todd and Daisy (my cats) are finally social.....Todd even jumps in bed....Daisy always meows at me and demands attention......Elkie still sucks....more now than ever....she demands to sleep with me which pisses Gypsy off....which leads me to the old ladies.....ummmm Gypsy and Mina (old lady kitties) are still around and doing well.......Mina is actually on my knee looking at the computer screen as we speak! She was so sweet to me when I was at my sickest....both Mina and Gypsy laid on me the entire time I was 'out of it'...........blah blah blah boring update!!!!!! I've been gardening like mad........a random pepper plant sprouted up a few weeks ago and is growing like a weed....it's rather odd since I haven't planted hot peppers since LAST summer.....and I even replaced much of the crap soil in that garden with good top soil.....it's random.......my fern/moss/hostas garden is nice despite the friggin' tree cutting service stomping all over my gardens when they had to cut tree limbs at 2am in the freakin' morning (power was out due to rain blah blah blah).....luckily I wasn't HOME when they were firing up chainsaws at 2am cutting my trees down in a crappy manner......I spent the evening 'away from' home.....tho I think kitties were traumatized!!!!

Wow....what a sucky/boring post........

Sorry if I'm random.....I'm dizzy from the plugged up left ear....it makes me more random than normal.....I'm surprised I haven't fallen down more than usual due to the 'off balance' feeling......I'm loopy from the meds and lack o' sleep.....

Anyway...not like this is exciting or anything but I have some other pix of me in pink behind the cut......same same same same.....I'll never chaaaaaaaaaaaange LOL.......and no that isn't real fur....it's faux pink fur of course!!!!!!!!

Talk about random.....

I adore the place I get these wigs from..... www.ceresmoon.com She made me an amazing black wig with black, blue, and purple dreads....with some black and purple 'cyberlox'....I may wear it to the Church in a few weeks along with this very cool dress that I have.......

I want this dress BADLY (also from ceresmoon.com)!!! Please buy it for me.......hahaa....kidding kidding.....

....another random tangent...for Halloween I think I'm going to be a twisted Alice a la Alice in Wonderland! I can think of at least 3 Halloween events I'll be attending....the plans for the costume are already in process!

UGH I'm dizzy.....I'm going back to BED!!!!!!!!!!

PS/Edit/Added: My house is ENTIRELY CLEAN! I mean all the BS piled up in the extra rooms, the crap everywhere in the computer room/studio....GONE....everything is NEATLY put away......I'm SO GLAD to have all this ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also about my house: I don't mind mowing or doing the week wacking! RANDOM HUH....I've mowed etc in 100+ degree heat and been FINE.....i actually enjoy it somewhat........

PPS/Edited again/Added: I miss my friends.....I've made several new ones, but miss the ones I don't talk to much or have lost contact with....I love you guys....shoot me an email or something....I've been extremely BAD at keeping in touch....don't take my 'non-commenting' negatively...I still care.....I just suck at keeping in touch these days :(

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