(no subject)

Nov 03, 2008 14:12

Yesterday, our phone line went dead.  Ironically enough, just a few days ago I was looking at Shaw internet phone to save money.  I hate Telus.  Now I hate them even more.  I waited until today to call them because I didn't want to deal with it on my birthday.  So I called them today from my cell, and oh for the love of god, that's the first time I've had to use those voice activated trees to get somewhere and arrrg.  I have a cold, I do NOT have a good voice right now, that thing was stupid.  When I finally got to talk to a person, she didn't tell me anything.  Just to unplug everything from the phone jacks and see if it resets in 60 seconds.  Oh, and the only time they can send someone out tomorrow is when we're both at work.

It's weird - the line is getting to the phone, because every time someone calls it registers on the call display.  It just doesn't connect the rest of the way.  It doesn't ring, there's no dial tone.  It just goes through to voice-mail.  I'm not sure how that can be fixed by someone coming to the house.

...and I just got a call (the third) from a Telus guy, who said he found a broken wire and fixed it.  I don't know *where* the wire was broken, but it was somewhere between their main system and our phone line.  I knew them coming here was going to be useless.  It's a condo building, nothing magically disconnected my line from the rest of the buildings.  Anyway.  We have a dial-tone!

I still can't decide if I want to switch to Shaw...
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