So I saw Alex's "resume" and decided to make a sort of one of my own...
So if anyone wants to hire me to do something, here goes.
Name: Mara S. Dauphin
Class of: 2008
Grades: Generally good?
*Can make J-Riz lips
*Can memorize songs/poems extremely quickly
*Can cook microwavable fettucine alfredo
*Can do the Cotton-Eye Joe dance for four minutes and thirteen seconds
*Can sing all the presidents of the US in chronological ord
*Can read sheet music
*Can bring a book into a bath and not get it wet
*Can make the live-long-and-prosper sign
*Can recite the poem on the door of Gringotts from memory
*Can successfully use iMovie and iDVD, Word, Excel, Internet Explorer, and Carmen Sandiego's Great Chase Through Time
*Can say three or more words in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and probably more
*Can name all of Henry VIII's wives (including how they died) and children
*Can place all the countries in all the continents on the globe (except for Africa)
*Can sing two different Miss Susie songs
*Can turn double dutch ropes
*Can calculate percents for most amounts in head
*Can play the piano in a mediocre fashion
*Can dance for hours
*Can really scare my cat, if I put my mind to it
*Can operate a digital video camera with grace and maybe not grace
*Can stare at the computer for hours and not get a headache
*Can organize files and papers and do clerical work for a long time and not grow tired of it
*Can easily beat the first level of Yoshi's Story and can almost easily beat the beginner's level of Super Monkey Ball
*Can choreograph bad dances
*Can navigate my way confidently around Vernon and Manchester
*Can do limited stage makeup
*Can do beginner to medium logic puzzles and sudoku
*Can swim and tread water medium well to well done
*Can ski down most bunny slopes with ease (its getting up the hill that's the problem!...damn rope tows.)
*Has edited six movies
*Has completed 11 years of dance lessons
*Has beaten Carmen Sandiego Junior Detective
*Has achieved the rank of Wizard 1st Class in Alchemy
*Has written a song about itchy ears
*Has acted in seven school plays since 7th grade
*Has transformed my basement into a Russian pub and back again
*Has seen many hit broadway musicals on stage or on video
*Has overcome fear of rollercoasters (except rollercoasters that go upside-down *shudder*)
*Has met Whoopi Goldberg, Harry Belafonte, Carole King, Paul Newman, and Kevin Kline
*Has beaten my father on a flight simulation game (quite a feat!)
*Has mastered the art of opening doors silently
*Has convinced Adam to return to Mac
*Has flown on an airplane too many times to count really
*Has steered a motorboat around a sunken ship (no joke)
*Has fed manatees and swum with dolphins
*Has used really awkward verb tenses during this whole list
Looking for work in the field of:
*Anything related to above
*Anything related to books or reading
*Anything related to sitting in an air-conditioned building (in the summer) and doing fairy non-taxing things
PS: I have no idea why I posted this.