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5 Featuring sims by
xbeccyx and
charterzard So, last time Dorris started college and moved from the family house with her twin Tyson. As we know already, Ty started his own life and family earlier this round so Dorris moved to her own little apartment on campus.
Earlier we saw also, that a certain townie had his interest in Dorris. However, she hasn't rolled any specific wants about him, just a general want to go on a date.
Savio and Elfreda live next door and Dorris started quite enjoying spending time with Savio.
Who, I may add, has two bolts with D! Why didn't I notice that before?!
All of this is the works of ACR. ^^
I also noticed, that Dorris doesn't even have a crush on the townie Albie, which sealed the deal for good.
They are super cute together!
Their date ended quite fast, since they both rolled mostly wants about studying (darn you knowledge sims!), but they'll definitely see each other more.
Jelly by
charterzard D wanted to see a ghost, so I sent her to the Cemetery.
Completely unrelated note: here's the first orphan who grew up to a teen, and will be moved to the new and shiny Clayfield Teen Center later.
You'll see him in the next update, as he started working at the Pirate's toy store.
Creepy want fulfilled.
She rolled a want to see another ghost, but none of them appeared again. Instead she spend time playing with a stray.
Darn, I feel like half of my sims have GC as a secondary aspiration!
(It's just a feeling - I actually counted it and luckily aspirations are more balanced than I thought)
Celebrating the end of the first semester with a makeover and new clothes!
Visiting the Student Center and enjoying burnt chili.
I spawned dormies so that the uni lots wouldn't be so empty.
I'm so happy with the main hood campus ^^
More walk-by's...Terri by
noodlesims ...and Wilbur by
xbeccyx Sweethearts studying together.
Penelope by
slyndsey Dorris and Savio don't have much time to spend together, since Dorris is quite busy with getting through each semester (which last only 24 hours in my game). So she started to feel quite lonely...
But fear not, evidently making snowmen makes sims feel less lonely. :O
Jam by
charterzard Girl, you've reached the point when you're about to talk to the snowman... like *cough* someone we know.
Probably a good idea.
Well hello there Mini Me..
This is
Carolyn Bee, Dorris' new roommate.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that she started cleaning the house autonomously!
Yey for live-in maid x)
"Are you talking to me?"
(I know, I have way too much fun with the penguin)
Zoran Never tried to steal the gnomes from the lot, but failed. Haha!
Carolyn continues to clean after D ^^
Finally some action...
They both fell in love...
...and traumatized poor Elfy.
I think she's too busy with the term paper to stalk your diary, Carolyn.
I took this as a sign that Dorris does want to get married before she graduates.
She started her third year, which makes her about 3 years older than Savio.
Guess what is the name of the town paperboy...
Riordan Postlethwaite.
I'm a bit disappointed that YA's can't get pregnant because of the main hood uni hacks (even with Inteen!).
Oh well, I'm sure they'll have plenty of chance for that later.
Quiet bedroom wedding FTW.
After getting married, they moved into a small student housing and started a Greek House.
Naturally, Elfy is the first one to get lured in. ;)
Oh, and Tix moved with Savio so we have a kitteh in the Greek House, too.
Just keep watching the cooking channel, Mrs Gallagher.
(the plantsim skinned girl is another dormie)
And on day 5 Savio finished his first semester as a sophomore.
- I know I had plans to match Savio with a townie he met in the last update, but since he did end up having two bolts with Dorris it just felt right to me to make them a couple instead. Letting sims marry other playables limits the household total a tad, which is always a good thing.
- After Dorris and Savio moved in together, their household funds have been very limited. Both of them have to pay 500 § per semester for the college fees, but luckily after they married they'll get 1 400§ as tax refunds on this round.
- Since we don't have Greek Houses in this part of the world, I'm pretty much out with everything concerning them. ;P Like for example, do the different greek sign's (at the buy catalog) mean something specific? I guess I have to do some research at
SimsWiki now. ;P
- Since I know that someone is probably going to ask this; I use the
24 hour semester hack because it helps me to keep my YA's in sync with other sims. After they graduate/drop out I'll just add days to their age based on how many semesters (=days) they stayed as YA's. And yes, 24 hours is a rather short time for YA's to study for their finals, but on the other hand it just shows who's really in college because they want to study. ;P I only make them study if they roll the wants, so not all of my students will be at the Dean's List. In fact, pretty much only Knowledge-sims make it there x)