The Long Day Of Pink

Dec 20, 2012 16:07

Title: The Long Day Of Pink
Pairing: ean/Castiel, mentions of Sam/Lucifer
Warning: eferences to dark themes
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: one/ total AU
Word count: 7, 847
Notes: asically it's a very early (or a very late, depends on your point of view) Valentine's fic. The fic is finished, it's only been divided into two parts, because Livejournal says it's too big to post. Demon!Dean, Angel!Cas, Hell/Heaven universe
Summary Valentine's was always a troublesome time for hell. It was just Dean's luck that Sam made the brilliant suggestion he ask a certain angel out on a make-believe date. Like all plans, something had to go wrong. Probably for the better, though.

The Long Day Of Pink

It was just another regular day in hell for Dean.

Well, at least, it started out that way.

Drinking beers, dirty socks propped on the coffee table, scratching at his naked belly, watching good old human reality television.

Those Kardashians... Man, they will make wonderful demons. They're halfway there already.

It was a perfectly happy, sunny day by a demon's standard.

And it would have been one, if Sam didn't make that call.

"Hey, Dean, what are you doing?"- Yup, that tone always meant something was happening in his brother's head. Decades of being human together, and some millennia of being demons together and that voice hadn't changed.

Sam could be demon-king all he wanted, but he will always remain his little brother.

"Drenching in human tears, how's your end?"- Dean gave his line absently, changing some channels to hopefully find other possible candidates for hell. And, yup, another find! A 13 year old girl screaming at her parents that she wanted a 'FUCKING TANGO PINK CAR! THIS IS CONGO PINK! YOU DON'T LOVE ME, I HATE YOU, IF YOU LOVED ME YOU WOULD HAVE GOT ME MY CAR, YOU RUINED MY LIFE!'

Ah, they start out young these days.

"Meh, Lucifer has been kinda stressed. You know, with Valentine's day coming up, and all the protests going on down here..." -Ah, yes, the wretched Valentine's day. There was no better way to torture a demon than to have feelings like 'love' and 'happiness' thrown in his face.

"Yeah, I was thinking of joining up..."- Dean chuckled as he watched the girl trash the car, starting with breaking the windshield and then going for the tires, her parents standing aside and watching solemnly as the events unfolded. Still, he felt kinda bad.

The car wasn't such a bad model. Yeah, it was a little too big for his tastes, too modern, but he could definitively deal with the pink. Hell, he'd probably ride it out on every street in every corner of the world, just to piss of some people. 'Yeah, I'm a man and I drive a pink car. Anybody wanna bar fight?' Fuck, why didn't he do such things when he was human?

"Dean."- Ah, Sam and the eternity of his bitchiness. He could just picture his bitch-face, the one that said 'You are not making this any easier on me or my satanic husband.'

"Hey, don't make me pretend I don't hate Valentine's. Just because you have your demon to spend an eternity in damnation, doesn't mean everybody wants one, ok?" -He will start again, Dean was sure of it.

"Hey, I'm not saying everyone should find demon. In fact there is a whole different species upstairs that I'm sure some are qualified for-"

"Dude, Sam, seriously, if you even say one more word I'm getting the demons to start a revolution on you, and don't think I can't!"- Dean yelled into the phone aggravated. This was an on-going issue ever since they landed themselves in hell.

"Dean, I'm just saying that you can make this easier for the both of you. I know you don't even want to consider this, but just think about it. You could get that Cupid out of your ass if he sees you out with someone. Cas'll get his Cupid out of his own ass, too. Everyone wins right?"

Dean sighed into the phone, rubbing a hand over his tired eyes. Here he was having a grand time watching evil on Earth televised and Sam just had to ruin it.

"Plus, Lucifer thinks it's a good idea..."- Sam said quietly, somewhat embarrassed.

Oh. Oh, s that's ow it was?

"Bringin' the big guns, here."- Dean deadpanned into the phone, careful not to get angry.

"Dean... I don't know, he thinks it would set a good example for everyone, you being my brother, and Cas being an angel... Besides, it would work, you know it would. And you two have this thing going on-"

"I'll do it, just shut up." -And with that he hung up, pissed at his brother, pissed at this brother's boyfriend, pissed with Valentine's, pissed at that stupid fucking angel that seems to be everywhere he goes, that gets all up in his business, that he is supposed to ask ou on a date!

Even the bottle smashing at some Jersey nightclub on TV couldn't get him out of his slump.


It was the day before Valentine's but Dean wasn't feeling it.

Instead he sat on the stairs of his apartment building, fuming silently.

In all honestly he felt offended. Offended that he jus ha to have a make-believe date. Offended that Cupids had the balls to mess with him and to come up at his doorstep nagging and whining why he hasn't found a mate, why doesn't he want a partner, why is he so stupid, isn't he lonely, doesn't he want a comrade and an endless list of other bullshit not worth mentioning.

And side embarrassment tha he as the one that had to call up the angel.

Why couldn't Lucifer arrange the whole thing? It was his idea in the first place, his idea to subliminall forc him into doing this.

Never really knowing your God must have its perks. At least, angels didn't have to deal with blond douchebags that thought they could boss you around just because your brother was dating them.

Still, he knew he had to do this. He'd had enough time contemplating how to approach this, and came to the conclusion he should just face it head on.

He clasped his hands together and tried not to cringe as he shut his eyes closed.

"Castiel, who art in heaven, where girls don't pee and you don't grow ass hair, where poop smells of daisies and unicorns shoot rainbows out of their ass, humble me with your angelic presence, let thy wings of kotex soar into the pits of my armpits. Yours truly, Dean." -He finished with a self-satisfied nod and opened his eyes expectantly.

Where he was met with a seemingly very grumpy and disheveled angel.

"You should show me some respect, Dean."- He hadn't heard that rough voice in such a long time, it almost surprised him.

"For what?"- Yep, he was in an arguing mood. And there was no one better at arguing with him than Cas, not in hell nor heaven, nor Earth. He had experience here.

"For saving you countless of times when your recklessness got us in trouble, for coming whenever you call, for putting up with your insults, for-"

"Yeah, yeah, you're the most righteous angel that ever angeled, cry me a fucking river..."- Dean stopped him not willing to listen when he knew he'd lost the argument. All the stress lately had proven to have taken a toll on his ability to argue.

"Then tell me, why did you pray for me?"

"I didn't freakin' pray, I called you!"

"Praying is a way to call an angel, so consequently-"

"Just, just shut up! Stop talking!"- Dean raised a hand from where he was sitting at the angel, who huffed as if offended but thankfully closed his mouth.

It was time. He had to say it, no way of backing out now.

"Ok, so. You know it's, uh, it's Valentine's tomorrow right?" -He couldn't have been more awkward if he tried.

"I am aware, yes."- Castiel's brows furrowed as if confused. Dean couldn't blame him.

"Well, listen. Lucifer has this thing he wants us to do."- That was a good tactic. A cowardly one sure, but one he could work with.

"I don't follow the Devil's orders, Dean."-Castiel got that look in his eyes, like when he'd just realize Dean was making a joke about him.

"Bu do. And this is not an order, just, I'm asking you to do something that will make things easier for the both of us." -Asking him to elope would have been less embarrassing.

"Which is?" -Castiel tilted his head slightly, squinting his eyes in suspicion.

"That we should go out tomorrow."- At this Castiel did a full head tilt, where his head was actually resting on his shoulder, eyes wide in confusion. Castiel had his loony moments, but he couldn't deny he looked like a paralyzed parrot. Or an owl, or something.

"No, no, no, don't-don't get the wrong idea, not like that!"-Dean frantically waved his hands as he realized just how he worded his sentence.

"It's make-believe, alright! The demons are raging around here, and they think I'd set a good example for everyone if I were to go out! Plus, I'd get the Cupids to stop bothering me, and you would too. And we'd be making some kind of statement about angels and demons and whatnot."- Dean finished his little ramble and looked over at Castiel.

Who still hadn't moved his head from his shoulder.

"You are asking me out on a date?"- The King of Awkward has spoken.

"A not-real one, an imaginary one, a staged one, yes."-Dean confirmed in an exasperated manner.

Castiel remained silent and staring wide-eyed.

"Stop, just stop looking at me like that. And straighten up."- Dean made an agitated move with his hands, feeling beyond embarrassed and pissed.

Castiel though didn't change his posture, gave his own version of looking angry by squinting his eyes.

"I'll think about it."

And in a blink he was gone.

Fuck his afterlife, fuck his luck, fuck Sam, fuck Lucifer, fuck Valentine's, fuck Cas.


He was sleeping soundly when it happened.


"Fuck, what, who?"-Contrary to popular belief, demons actually slept. That was one blessing of being human that stuck with them. And Dean wasn't one to take kindly on anyone disturbing that one slice of peace he got.

"I accept your offer."

"What, what offer, the fuck are you doing here?"-Dean mumbled eyeing the dark silhouette standing by his bed.

"To go on a date."-Castiel spoke as if obvious. Yeah, Dean's brain was operating at full speed right now, sure, yeah.

"Fuck off, dude..."- Dean turned back to his pillow with a huff, set on not bothering with the angel anymore. He could fight sure, he had the right to. But he also knew that it would be a lost battle, so better to sleep it off and deal with him in the morning.

"I don't understand. Does your offer not... 'Stand'?"-

"G'away Cas. I call you mornin'..."-Dean was halfway asleep already and if the angel didn't go soon he'd be in a world of pain. Which he kind of already was, being in hell and all.


"Sleepin' Cas..."-He huffed annoyed, because he could feel being dragged away from sleep. But it was here, if only Cas would woosh himself out of his room without a word, he'd be able to grasp it back.

"I will await your call later, then. I apologize for disturbing you."- And before Dean could lash out at him, he was gone. And Dean was left staring in anger at the empty space the angel had occupied.

He groaned in frustration and sprawled himself back, intent on sleeping.

Only anger and frustration were still coursing through his veins, and why the fuck did that angel, always, fuckin alway came when he was unwanted and left when needed?

He tried keeping his mind still, tried thinking of soothing images, like when he'd tortured that baby murderer, how good it felt to bring raw justice in the form of dripping blood. But then, he'd somehow think of the angel.

His thoughts carried him to the last case they were sent on.

A few rogue demons deciding they were better off alone, no attachment to either heaven or hell. Deciding they would live by their own rules.

Now this was a problem for both planes, so naturally, who better to handle some demon brats than Dean? And Dean would have taken to the challenge head on, if he didn't know who was coming with him.

Politics change, and hell and heaven politics changed. If any problem were to arise there had to be a demon and an angel as witnesses that everything goes according to plan, that there would be no going behind backs.

Only, a millennia of mutual hatred was not going to change in a snap of fingers, even though the rule changes were basically done in said snap of fingers. Demons still held grudges as did angels.

And him and Cas were no different. Though, they had a solid century of working together and have developed some kind of.. toleranc was the right word for it. Cas tolerated Dean's insults and Dean tolerated Cas' stick up his butt.

Their last case was mildly put difficult. Dean was all up for banishing some sons of bitches back to hell and straight to the torture chamber for deciding to disobey his brother and his boyfriend, only it's never so simple, is it? Demons are brothers, and Dean held on to that idea.

He remembered that look Castiel gave him, that look that made him cringe at the very thought of. It was pity.

Dean stood before the dead bodies the demons had used as vessels and watched as the rising smoke went down below in swirls of agony. He couldn't deny that yes, maybe he did wish that everyone would accommodate themselves. That everyone could just realize that adaptation is really the only solution. And he'd have been fine with everything, gone back home, tortured some assholes and had it out of his system by nightfall. If that fuckin angel adn't given him tha look He'd flashed his eyes black in anger and dived down before he could make some serious trouble for the both of them.

He hadn't had the time to think it through then, but why did he have to examine past actions when he was all up and ready for some merciful sleep?

He didn't want to think about being angry and stupid sad eyes when all he wanted was blissful unawareness.

Decided to get back to sleep he clouded his mind with empty images, anything to shut his brain off. It probably worked.


"Hey, Samster."

"Dean!"-Oh, Sammy. Ever the easily offended.

"Hold on to your panties, I got news for you." -Dean balanced his phone on his shoulder as he worked on making himself pie. Apparently, it was a smart idea to ban torturing on Valentine's, make it an official day off for both planes. So, Dean took to another alternative in keeping his mind busy.

"What? And if you're thinking of just wasting my time, then cut the crap cause' I'm up to my knees in work here, and Lucifer hasn't come back since morning, so-"

"I'm going out today. With Cas."-He cut in before the princess would mess up her mascara.

"Oh. Oh! Dean! That's great news! Told you it would work out! I can't wait to tell Lucifer- He's back! W-Wait up-" And the conversation was cut off by a series of 'I missed you babe' and 'Had me worried' followed by a long interval of smooching sounds that started sounding way to sloppy for it to be anything PG-13.

"I swear I'm fucking hanging up on you assholes."- Dean spoke into the phone, feeling more than exasperated with the whole ordeal that was today.

The spit-sharing was cut off to be followed by a series of mumbled words he couldn't really comprehend and before he could hang up, Lucifer's voice piped up.

"Are the news true, Dean?"- There was a smirk hidden somewhere in that voice.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm doing it."

"No need to pretend you're not enjoying yourself."-

"Fuckin' funny, coming from the one whose idea it was in the first place."-Dean spat into the phone beyond tired by the mockery his afterlife was.

Huffed laughter escaped the speaker before Lucifer continued.

"You are too opinionated to see what's in front of you, Dean. Good luck with your date, I have to take care of your brother now. He's missed me dearly."-Followed by a loud smack of lips that had Dean punching the phone dead on his counter.

And just then did he saw what he did to his pie. They were supposed to be fine, smooth, thin layers and all he had was bundle of beat and punched dough. Nevertheless it was good stress relief as he discovered.


"Cas, get your feathery ass down here."-Dean mumbled the prayer and yup, just like clockwork, the angel was standing in front of his steps again looking for all the world as if the apocalypse were repeating ( not that it was that successful in the first place).

"Yes, Dean?"- He had a very particular way of voicing this phrase, as if all the weight of the world rested on those two words.

"Where are we meeting up tonight?"-Dean decided to be direct, no use in skating around the issue.

"Wherever seems fit."-Castiel gave a curt nod, his face taking that deep intensity it did when they were discussing the tactics of a case.

"How 'bout... 'The Warping Warts Of Wrath'? 'S got a nice atmosphere..."-Dean scratched his chin in thought.

"I don't think a nightclub seems fit for this."- Cas' frown grew bigger, if that was even possible.

"Why the fuck not?"-Dean huffed annoyed. He could probably get in there and act like he'd lost Cas and party all by himself.

"Because, you will probably lose me and not bother searching."-Close enough.

"Ok, then. Any suggestions?"

"Perhaps, The Edge of Glory?"

"No one 'll see us there, Cas. Place is creepy and lonely as fuck, and all you get to see is freakin' clouds. The idea is to be seen."-Dean shook his hands frustration.

"Well, then?"

"Maybe... Hey, Fuming Fire Fury are having a show tonight! Lots of demons should be up there, it's almost always a full house."-Dean raised an eyebrow as if prompting.

"Demons, yes..."-Castiel had that weird way of trying to cover up some of his words, while still making it pretty obvious what he meant.

"Demons are a problem now? Did you forget tha I m a demon?"

"That's not what I was implying. Tha band ikes to execute live torture during their, so called, music shows. That is not something I wish to witness."-Cas: the Angel Prude.

"It's artistic and symbolic, and- you know what? I'm not even gonna bother explaining... Just, give an idea."-He gave an aborted hand movement, just willing to be set and over.

"Perhaps... Purgatory?

Now that was something worth considering.

Purgatory was the place humans went to to wait for their verdict. It was basically and endlessly big diner, full of people though, often times demons and angels would stop by. Be it to converse with the humans, try to figure out where exactly would fit them, or perhaps to just stop by and relax. The place was particularly quiet, the humans too caught up in their own thinking and waiting to buzz around, so it was pretty ideal for what they were going for here. Demons would be there, angels would be there, humans too, quiet and big.

"Sounds good, yeah... How 'bout 9?"

Castiel did that nervous shuffle of feet that Dean recognized all too well.

"What? Daddy prohibits going out late at night?"

"Don't mock the Father."- Engage thunder eyes.

"Then what?"

"The Cupids."- He could sense the quiet anger rumbling beneath those words.

"What about them?"

"They... They start coming around at 7 or 8 o'clock by your time standards..."-He gave him a nervous look and Dean could make fun of him right now, but he got it. Cupids were a bigger pain in the ass then Castiel could ever be. He sympathized.

"Ok then, 7ish, be there."

"It would be more convenient if you would get there first, send a prayer and I would be right there. We wouldn't have to search out each other."- Smart thinking, but it didn't stop Dean from finding a reason to argue.

" don't ray."

"You pray for me."

"That's twisting words and you know it!"

"Will you call me?"

"Yeah... Yeah I will."

Common courtesy was a concept unfamiliar to the angel given by the way he just vanished. And good riddance.

supernatural, dean/castiel

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