Cinderfella Story (part 2)

Jul 31, 2012 15:48

"Well, that's great, Cas! I mean you finally get to meet the guy!" Sam beamed with happiness as Castiel told him about Owen's invitation from last night. They sat at the highest bleacher out in the field. A couple of kids were playing baseball, some were practicing for cheerleading while Dean and Andy passed a ball down from where they were sitting.

"I don't know if it's really that great, Sam." Castiel replied in a mousy voice.

"Ahem, hello, Cas, you've been drooling over this guy for months now. I think it's high time you met him." Sam replied bringing out "bitch face numero 37" or the "look at your life, look at your choices" face.

"But what if it doesn't work out? What if I'm not what he had in mind?" Castiel replied defeated. Sam always knew how to make him talk.

"How can you even think that, Cas?" Sam replied confused. Sam always thought too high of him, he never really got other peoples perspectives.

"Sam, I am not exactly the model American. I don't have a sense of fashion, I don't shave, I smoke, I'm scrawny and I'm somewhat gay. I know what people think of me. I know they pity me because of my father's death, I know they laugh at me because I work at a diner and I know they think I'm a drug addict because of my demeanor." Castiel spoke somberly with a disturbing calmness to his voice. He had known all of this, though voicing it to Sam was uncomfortable to say the least.

"Listen, Cas. If this guy, is really as thoughtful and caring as you have said he is, I know that he will love you, just the way you are. And if he doesn't, than fuck him." Castiel slowly turned his gaze towards Sam to check if he heard right. Sam looked at him as calm as ever.

"If he can't handle you, then he doesn't deserve you. But, I'm sort of getting the feeling that you are the one who isn't giving him a chance. I know you Cas, and it's not like you to be scared." Sam laid a comforting hand against his shoulder.

"Just please, go to that dance tonight, and see for yourself. Hell, I'll even escort you." Sam said smiling broadly. Castiel hung his mouth open at the sincerity and support Sam gave him.

"You will?" Castiel asked feeling himself getting hopeful.

"Sure, that's what friends are for." Sam replied chuckling.

Castiel gave him a quick hug.

"You're awesome, Sam."

"BANG!" A booming blow shook the entire bleacher.

A football was seated on the third bleacher. Damn those kids, they never really watch where they throw.

"I'll get it." Castiel answered the silent question hanging between him and Sam. He started swaying down the bleachers to get the ball.

"Where'd it go?" He heard Dean ask, looking confused around himself.

"It's over there, by the junkie." Andy replied grinning.

Castiel grabbed the ball with force, fuming inside.

"Suck my methamphetamine infused balls, Andy!" Castiel shouted as he threw the ball with great power.

Dean stood before him, on the first bleacher looking bewildered and very sweaty through his gym clothes.

"Awesome." Was all he said, before running back to Andy.


Castiel stood before his uncle Lucifer, who was sprawled on a big massage table in fluorescent green. Did kitsch colors run in the family? A big, fugly looking man hovered above him, massaging him.

"I'm sorry, Luke, if I may have a word with you?" Castiel spoke uncomfortably.

Lucifer sighed deeply, as if the thought of talking to Castiel was a great difficulty.

"That's enough for today, Alastair." Lucifer dismissed his masseuse, waving him away. Alistair nodded, grabbed his bag and made his way outside.

Lucifer stood up, letting the towel around his butt fall down and stretched himself as wide as he could, groaning all the while. Castiel had to hold back a retching sound, glancing away from the unwanted sight before him.

"What is now, Castiel?" Castiel dared to look back, and sighed in relief as Luke had wrapped a towel around his hips.

"I wanted to ask you if you could give me the night off? Just this once." Castiel pleaded.

"No can do." Lucifer spoke disinterested, not even wanting to look over the idea.

Castiel looked at him bewildered, his mouth hanging open in an appalled manner.

"Listen, Luke, I have never asked you for anything. I have never complained once to you. I have skipped school, to mop the floors in the diner. All I need is this night. I have this dance in school, and somebody is expecting me to go. Please, I need this." Castiel almost begged. This night meant to him, a lot. It could change something, and he needs that change. He wants it.

Lucifer huffed and shook his head in a disapproving manner. He walked over to him, put a grazed, hairy hand on his shoulder and bent his head, so he was within eye level.

"Now you listen, Cas. There is something that I've been meaning to tell you for a long time." Castiel's chest fluttered with little bits of hope.

"You are unattractive and awkward. I'm sure whoever is expecting you will find a suitable replacement."

Castiel just stared, feeling his eyes widen with confusion, outrage, disbelieve, confusion, fright and some more confusion.

"I'm so glad we got that out of the way." Lucifer smiled broadly, patted his shoulder and walked away to go inside.


"Now make sure you have the floors mopped after everyone leaves, oh and we are fresh out of goat meat so you're gonna have to take care of that. Oh and if you don't mind could you just iron and fold the laundry? You don't? Oh my, that's just wonderful! I'll be back by 12: AM sharp, to get the girls from that dance. Have a good one!" Lucifer smiled brightly and strut his way out of the diner, flaunting the "new" tush his gym instructor Azazel gave him.

Castiel grit his teeth fuming. After their "much appreciated" talk, Castiel's day just became worse and worse. He was stuck in the diner doing shifts from twelve in the afternoon to twelve in the night. And it was only 4 o'clock. He didn't think he could hold it together through the day. He needed a smoke and he needed it bad.

"I wouldn't mind ironing that smile off his face." Gabriel huffed quietly by his side, looking equally troubled as he was. Despite himself Castiel chuckled. Gabe always knew how to make him laugh.

"He would probably like it, if it meant he wouldn't have to use botox anymore." And they both laughed at that.

"So why aren't you going to that dance, boy?" Gabriel asked, cleansing a glass with a wash cloth.

"I need the money, Gabe. You know that. How else will I get into Princeton? And besides, why would I go? To watch sluty girls dressed as nurses? I'll pass." Althhough they both chuckled again, Castiel felt empty of humor. He was kidding himself. He wanted to go, but obedience said otherwise.

"Hey, Cassie be a dear and cover that back booth for me." Balthazar came in a frenzy, looking hurried. -"And Gabe they want you in the kitchen." He added as he quickly rushed off.

"What have you done, Gabe?" Castiel gave him a demanding look.

"I may have messed with Ellen's clothing, a little bit. Don't give me that look, she was rude to me last night, started yelling and all. I don't do yelling, Cas." Gabriel defended himself while a small smirk hid under his lips.

"Whatever you say, Gabe." And Gabriel trailed off into the kitchen, while Castiel made his way around the cashier and to the back booth. But what he saw only reinforced the idea that this day was the worst one yet.

Andy, Jo, Victor, Anna, Lisa and Dean were seated giggling and chattering loudly at the booth he was given. He looked around himself pleadingly, but saw that everyone was covering someone else, so he gulped, reminded himself that he still had his balls and moved over to their booth.

The chattering stopped as he was spotted.

"Oh my! It's Dinerboy!" Lisa exclaimed in mock surprise, the others around her joining in a burst of laugh.

"In the flesh. What is your order?" Castiel replied unimpressed.

"Well, what do you have in here that you haven't sprinkled with your "fairy dust", as you people call it?" Lisa spoke with a vicious undertone, the others practically guffawing.

"Well we have diet pills, I heard you people are into that." Castiel threw back, causing the boys to go in a fit of oh's while the girls all looked at him appalled.

"That wasn't funny." Lisa turned to Dean, who Castiel noticed was quiet until now, while he was having a full body laugh.

"It kinda was. Just give me a bacon cheeseburger." Dean directed towards him, and Castiel quickly wrote it down.

"Ah, like hell you're eating that. You are not getting fat on me. Bring him a soy burger." Lisa raised her voice in bewilderment, as if she couldn't bare to fathom the idea of her lover getting chubby.

"We don't make those." Castiel deadpanned, feeling slightly disturbed by Lisa's crass attitude.

"Just bring me the cheeseburger, Cas." Dean quickly offered, looking slightly embarrassed. Could Dean feel embarrassed by Lisa's demeanor?

"Sure." Castiel replied before turning on his heel to exit the situation.

"What was up with that, Dean? And since when do you call him by name?" He overheard Lisa rattling Dean.

He quickly brought the order back to the kitchen, and went outside through the back door.

Now was a really good time for that smoke.


As he sat lighting up the second cigarette, he saw Lisa practically stomping her way to their Mercedes as Jo and Anna ran towards her shouting for her to stop. They all got into their frilly car and Lisa all but ran over Andy and Victor. The other two got into a big BMW and drove out. However unorthodox the sight before him was, the strangest part was that Dean was nowhere to be found.

At that thought, Dean swayed slowly through the parking lot towards his Impala. He looked around himself, probably searching for the others when he spotted Castiel. Dean stopped mid stride and again they engaged in a staring contest. All of a sudden Dean changed his path, and directed it towards him. Castiel felt himself freeze in the spot. What could he want now?

He stopped before him, as Castiel let smoke trail slowly from his lips.

"Can I join you?" If Castiel was surprised before, he was absolutely astound now. Dean wanted a smoke? From him? Dean smoked?

Castiel wasn't sure he heard right. He tilted his head, scrunching his eyes, a subconscious move he did when confused.

"You know, ah, a smoke?" Dean added making a hand gesture as if he were taking a drag.

"Oh, yes, sure." Castiel quickly gathered himself, fishing out his pack of Lucky's,

Dean took one and made another hand gesture, this one mimicking lighting a lighter. Castiel quickly grabbed the lighter from his jeans pocket and handed it to him.

It was a sight to behold, seeing Dean Winchester, football player extraordinaire and all around jock, lighting up what most players called 'a cancer stick'. It was unreal, to say the least.

He huffed out a gush of smoke and coughed slightly, seating himself next to Castiel on the little stairs.

"Been a while since I had one of these." He said as he took another drag, this one more solid than the first.

"You smoke?" Castiel couldn't help himself, he just had to ask.

"On occasion. When I feel tense." Dean answered somberly.

"Does this have anything to do with Lisa storming out?" Castiel prompted. He still couldn't get over the fact that he was just sitting here, with Dean of all people, smoking cigarettes.

"Well aren't you observant." Dean said somewhat annoyed, giving him a slight glare.

Castiel turned towards the parking lot, deciding to smoke in quiet. In all of his haze he forgot that Dean was still an annoying bastard.

"It does, though." Dean decided to speak after three drags. Castiel turned slowly to him with a raised eyebrow.

"I broke up with her. She didn't take it well." Dean said gazing in front of himself, like the parking lot held all of life's secrets.

"Well I hope my name wasn't the reason for it." He said, causing Dean to chuckle lowly, making his face instantly light up.

"Nah, man. We just... It was time you know..." Dean spoke tiredly.

"Well, I'm not one push my opinions on other people, but she was a bitch." Castiel said bluntly.

Which, to his surprise, caused Dean to full on laugh, finally gazing back at him.

"You're not. And yeah, yeah she was." He said through his chuckles. He pulled one last puff, and stubbed the cigarette on the concrete, arising from his seat next to Castiel.

"Hey, thanks for that, man."

"No problem." Castiel replied, to which Dean nodded and head back to his car, driving off the parking lot.

That was indeed an incident to remember.


"I am vengeance. I am the night. I. AM. BATMAN!" Sam's voice boomed through the room as he made his grand entrance in the diner.

"And I have the keys to the Batmobile, also known as dad's BMW!" He spoke eagerly as he hovered over Castiel, all but trembling with excitement. Castiel looked at him through the plate he was washing, seizing up his costume. He wore a black, long sleeved, body suit, with tight black pants, a cape and the Batman mask. Sam did indeed look good in the costume, though silly. He was such a justice geek.

"I'm not going, Sam." Castiel said despondent.

"What do you mean you're not going? Mystery man will be waiting for you!" Sam exclaimed exasperated.

"Hold on, now. Sluty girls, my ass, Castiel. Who is this mystery man?" Gabriel picked just the right moment to show up.

"He's the love of Cas' life." Sam explained matteroffactly.


"Really now?" Gabriel spoke over him, giving him a skeptical look.

"Yeah, and Cas needs to meet him tonight." Sam only added to the fuel.

"Well it's about time, Cassie." Balthazar came in carrying empty plates.

"Listen, guys, this isn't happening. Lucifer stuck me in here tonight, there's no way in hell I'm going anywhere. Not if I want my job, house, and money." Castiel raised his voice demanding everyone's attention.

"Cas, you've been working here since you were 15. And not once I saw you complain. You are the only reason most of us work here. Because you always shine wherever you go, and if it weren't for that, believe me I would have burned this place down long ago." Gabriel said cupping his cheeks.

"You deserve this Cassie." Balthazar added.

"We're all gonna cover for you tonight." Ellen gave her share, standing in front of the kitchen.

"See sweetie we are all here for you. We are all family here." Gabriel said tenderly, which was rare of him, so it showed to Castiel just how much he meant everything. He looked around himself taking in everyone's kind words. He felt overwhelmed from the sincerity he felt from everyone.

"I still don't have a costume." Castiel said very quietly.

"I'll hook you up. Now let's go!" Gabriel exclaimed as he smiled broadly, tugging Castiel with him, everyone cheering as he, Gabriel and Sam left the diner for the night.


Running through the darkened streets they finally arrived at the costume shop, only to find it closing.

"Open up Crowley!" Gabriel shouted as he knocked viciously over the glass door.

"I'm closing, Gabe. Sorry." The fellow Crowley, who was a chubby English man in a fancy suit spoke muffled through the glass door.

"Please Crowley, I'll give you free breakfast for a week." Gabriel said pleadingly.

Crowley seemed to ponder the idea through scrutinizing eyes.

"Make it a month." He said exasperated, opening the door with a clank.

They rushed through the shop finding this, and that, making Castiel try on the silliest costumes. He went from a yeti to a frog, from a fish to a pirate.

"This is useless, Gabe." Castiel said defeated, putting the Godzilla costume back on the rack.

"Not quite." Gabriel said quietly, focused on something on the counter.


Back at Gabriel's house, they sat on his old tethered couch, Castiel holding a white box in his lap.

"Gabe, I couldn't possibly..."

"Oh, but you will! Now go put it on."


"I'm not sure I should do this, Sam." Castiel spoke nervously, fiddling with his sleeves.

"Yes, you're sure, you're gonna get you're man, and we'll have a blast." Sam assured him, holding his shoulders in assurance.

Castiel gulped searching his honest, hazel eyes.

"But what about Lucifer?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, just give me your phone." Castiel handed it to him without question.

"I'll set the alarm for 15 to midnight, you'll find me when it starts ringing and we're off. Okay?" Sam said in an excited manner. It was indeed a good plan.

"Okay." Castiel nodded frantically.

"Now let's go." Sam said as they headed off down to the club.

Just as they were heading down the stairs a big flash of light blinded Castiel. Through the darkness a light illuminated his form. He was dressed in a wedding tux, with a red tie. It was from Gabriel's last wedding. He handed it to him with great care, and Castiel promised himself he would return it in great shape. His eyes were cradled with an eye mask, adorned with lots of white feathers. His hair was stylized upwards with a little hair gel Gabriel gave him, and he was pristinely shaven, for once in his life.

And last but not least, on his back hung two gorgeous black wings, who were neither too big, nor too small. They ranged from shortest feathers to two long ones that almost wiped the ground.

Just then he noticed something peculiar.

"Sam, why is everyone staring at us?" Castiel asked, turning his way to Sam, who wasn't next to him but two stairs bellow.

"They're staring at you, Cas. You're beautiful." Sam said sounding completely awed.

Castiel started blushing wildly and quickly skipped down to the podium. The room was full with people, and though they were all wearing masks he could recognize everyone.

Lisa, Jo and Anna were all dressed as angels themselves, though they wore very revealing white outfits with wings made out of cotton. They weren't very impressive. Oh and Andy and Victor we're dressed both as Johnny Depp in pirates of the Caribbean, looking absolutely ridiculous.

He came to stand in the middle of the dance floor, just as he was instructed and continued examining everyone else, just to keep his mind busy. He was feeling more nervous and fidgety than usual. This was it, he was doing this and there was no turning back. No regrets, either.

"Could it be you, my angel?" A voice came from behind him. His throat hitched, that voice feeling too familiar.

"Owen?" Castiel asked turning back to see...

Chuck Shurley.

Dressed in a bathrobe.

"You can call me anything you want, angel." Chuck all but drooled. He looked hungrily over Castiel, circling him like a predator.

Castiel felt his hopes crush in a pile of smut. He knew Owen was too good to be true. Suddenly he felt a weight settle heavily against his back.

"Chuck, what are you?"

"Shush, my love..." Chuck mumbled against his back, nuzzling in his wings, breathing in their scent as if they were real.

Castiel shuddered under the uncomfortable sensation. Dislodging Chuck from his back he decided this was enough.

"Hey um, mind bringing me a drink?" Castiel asked, trying to smile and failing badly. He just couldn't, this all felt too wrong.

"Anything for you." Chuck said meaningfully, as if Castiel should see the deeper meaning behind those words.

As Chuck got lost in the crowd, losing one of his fluffy pink slippers in the way, Castiel hung his head lowly, defeated.

'That's what you get, Castiel for getting your hopes up.' He scolded himself inwardly. He felt so embarrassed and ashamed. He felt embarrassed that he got Sam's and Gabe's and everyone's hopes up. He will have to disappoint them, just as he disappointed himself.

"Angelboy?" A deep voice behind him asked. Castiel slowly raised his head, chancing himself a look behind him.

And what he saw was even more surprising than Chuck's appearance.

Dean Winchester stood above him, dressed as a cowboy, with the hat, red bandana, boots and jeans. And he was smiling so widely, like his happiness couldn't be contained.

"Owen?" Castiel found himself asking, voice quiet and strained.

Dean laughed brightly at that, searching his face in what he thought was... Admiration?

"It really is you! I I can't... You're beautiful" Dean spilled his words out, smiling all the while.

"But, you're Dean Winchester." Castiel stated as if that meant a whole other bunch of things everyone should be aware of.

"Yeah, um, I'm sorry if you... Is this costume stupid? Cause I can lose the hat you know." Dean rambled quickly pulling his hat down nervously. He could see the side to Owen now, when he would ramble nervously on chat.

"Am I... Is this, like, are you disappointed?" Dean finally asked hunching his shoulder up in a tense manner. He looked absolutely awkward. Castiel found he thought it was absolutely adorable, despite his situation.

"No, I'm not. But, Dean, do you know who I am?" Castiel asked pulling his eyebrows down in a quizzical manner. He really wasn't disappointed. Surprised was more like it.

"Ofcourse I know who you are! You are Angelboy, you are everything I could ever wish for! What's your name?"

And Chuck chose that moment to come back with some punch.

"Your refreshments, my angel." Chuck said, bowing slightly.

"Chuck?" Dean voiced, giving Chuck a disbelieving look.

"Oh, DDDean Winchester, oh, I see you are, ah, taking the only good thing I have in my life right now, hah?" Chuck said as if to challenge Dean, though it came out like a little nervous brakedown.

"He is not yours." Dean replied in a threatening manner, which surprised Castiel greatly. Was Dean getting possessive, over him of all people?

"We were just hoping to grab a beer, Chuck. See you around." Castiel quickly pitched in, hoping to settle this little occurrence before it blows into something bigger.

He quickly knocked Dean's shoulder giving him a 'let's go' look, briskly walking away from Chuck and the party.

"Beer over punch? I think I'm in love." Dean said giving him the most winning grin he thought he could muster.


"So, Angel, would you tell me who you are if I guessed it right?" Dean asked, as they were walking through the gardens, taking in the sight of flowers and just life around them.

"I might."

"You might?" Dean repeated grinning.

"Yes." Castiel deadpanned looking straight before him.

"Ok, ok, nothin' wrong with that." Dean chuckled by his side.

"How about a game of twenty questions?"

"Ten." Castiel said gazing at a beautiful red rose.

"Beggars can't be choosers right?" Dean quipped, trying to get a reaction out of Castiel.


Dean huffed slightly exasperated.

"You're a difficult one huh?"

"Yes. Nine questions left." With which Castiel glanced back at Dean, giving him a small smile. He really was being difficult with him wasn't he? He should probably give Dean more credit.

Dean's face absolutely blossomed to his smile, making Castiel blush lightly.

"Fair enough, um, which sport do you play?"

"I don't play any." Dean raised his eyebrows, giving him a look of surprise.

"Really? I mean, you're a stud how can you not?" Dean spoke bewildered, though he seemed to be voicing his surprise to himself.

"I'm a stud?" Castiel prompted, which made Dean blush like a lobster, scratching a hand behind his neck.

"Ahem, well, yeah you kinda are." Dean seemed to get the courage and affirmed his words to Castiel, giving him a wide smirk.

Castiel bowed his head down, blushing madly, though a smile played silently on his lips.

"Ok, um, if you could choose any flavor of pie, which would it be?"

"Um, apple. Although I don't see how that has anything to do with finding out who I am?" Castiel said puzzled.

"It doesn't, but it does tell me that you're my kinda guy." Dean said giving him an exaggerated wink.

"Can I ask you now something?" Castiel requested.

"Anything." Dean spoke like he truly meant it.

"Since when are you into guys?" Castiel had to ask. He never heard of Dean dating other boys, and he was feeling slightly suspicious, though Dean didn't seem to hide the fact that he was interested in him at the dance with all those people there.

"Since my middle school librarian, mister Collins. But yeah, I've been known to date a guy once in a while in high school. My friends know, so they're cool with it." Dean explained.

"So you're bisexual?" If he was an experiment he would gladly pass.

"I date people, not genders. It was never really a big deal for me." Dean shrugged as if it was nothing. Castiel was amazed at the ease with which Dean spoke about. He himself had a hard time accepting his range of interests.

"Can I ask you now?"


"Were you disappointed when you saw it was me? And please, no bullshitting." Dean said looking at him expectantly.

"Surprisingly, no. But I was surprised. I mean you are Dean Winchester. Football player, womanizer, and apparently a closet romantic? The things you told me, II don't see them when you're with your friends." Castiel had to tell him. It was time they both faced the music.

Dean stopped mid stride, causing Castiel to stop with him. He looked at him, again searching and gazing at his face.

"That's why I want to get to you know. You are the only one that makes me feel like I can be myself, and not feel embarrassed. When I talk to you, I feel like I could do anything. And I think that, with your help, I could." Dean finished hoarsely, slowly taking Castiels hands in his own. Castiel felt mesmerized by the spring green of Dean's eyes. He couldn't even move his hands away, not that he really wanted to.

"How could I have missed those eyes..." Dean said huskily, leaning into Castiel's personal space.

Sensing what was about to happen Castiel ducked his head, glancing away.

"Next question."


They were walking through a part of the garden that was decorated as a wedding ceremony. Rows of white chairs were lined up and a big marble gazebo was seated in the center.

Castiel chuckled quietly at the irony of the event.

Dean caught his laugh and chuckled himself.

"Would it be considered a question if I asked you to dance with me?"

"There's no music." Castiel laughed brightly at Dean's suggestion.

"I might be able to take care of that. Just, please." Dean opened his hand in a gesture, asking Castiel to put his over it. He did, and Dean put his other hand on his waist, giving Castiel room to grab Dean's shoulder.

"So close, no matter how far. Couldn't be much more from the heart" Dean sang quietly , swaying them lightly to the side. Castiel's heart stuttered at the song choice. It was Dean's favorite, he knew this because Angelboy knew it. And suddenly he wanted to tell Dean everything. About who he was and how everything was just, so right. Dean was right.

"Forever trusting who we are. And nothing else matters" Deans voice filled the quite area, bouncing off the marble walls, almost creating friction in the air.

"Never opened myself this way. Life is ours, we live it our way. All these words I don't just say. And nothing else matters." Castiel couldn't help but cling to Dean, burying himself under his neck.

"Trust I seek and I find in you. Every day for us something new. Open mind for a different view. And nothing else matters." Dean gave more force to his voice, dropping his head to Castiel's neck, singing against his throat. Castiel felt every word like a caress. He sighed against Dean's own neck, feeling goose bumps raise against it.

"Never cared for what they do. Never cared for what they know" Dean straightened up from Castiel's neck, sliding his hands away, instead cupping his cheeks.

"But I know" He sang the words, letting them trail off.

Castiel gazed at him taking in his features, realizing that he himself, might have been missing out on Dean.

Dean's fingers landed nimbly on his eye mask. It was time. He was gonna take it off. And Castiel was gonna let him. And he won't regret it.

"RING RING!" The phone buzzed in his pants pocket.

Castiel huffed lowering his head back and away from Dean.

"I have to go." He said regret flowing through his voice.

"What do you mean you have to go? Like a curfew or something?" Dean asked agitated.

"Something like that." Castiel said sliding away from the gazebo. He ran through the garden and into the club, faintly hearing as Dean yelled after him.


He rushed through the crowd of people, bumping into everyone trying to find Sam.

Oh he found him alright.

Trading spit with Lisa.

"Sam!" Castiel shouted urging him to look.

Sam mumbled incoherently into the kiss.

"Sam, we need to go now!" Castiel yelled at him. However Sam might have been happy, this was just not the time for it.

"I am sorry my beloved but the citizens of Kansas need me elsewhere." Sam mumbled, pulling back from Lisa, who grinned like a madwoman.

Castiel couldn't resist rolling his eyes.


"So, come on, talk, how did he react when you told him who you were?" Sam asked excited, as they set the car in drive, pulling off from the parking lot.

"He didn't. Because I didn't tell him."

"What do you mean, you didn't? You said he was great, how" - But Castiel caught him off.

"Look at me, Sam. I live in a closet, I work at a diner. I'll just be doing him a favor if I back out now."

"Listen, Cas."

"Just drive, Sam"

After a shot pause, in which Castiel disposed himself of the eye mask and wings, he remembered something.

"So explain, what exactly happened with Lisa?" Castiel asked, happy that Sam did have an interesting night.

"I'm tellin' you man it was awesome!" Sam spoke significantly stressing the 'awesome'.

"That jackass Andy, he tried something with her and I, I just I practically saved her you know? I was just in there and..."

Sam continued speaking through the rest of the trip back home, though Castiel couldn't really concentrate on much of anything he was saying. Although, he knew that he would never be good enough for Dean, he still felt, like he was in Heaven. He still felt dazed after Dean. Dean was... so many things.


That night, after he gave Gabriel back the costume, and thanked everyone for their help and support, when he fell into bed in his room all he felt was bliss.

It didn't matter that he lived in an old little closet room, it didn't matter that he was scrawny, it didn't matter that he was awkward. To Dean he was beautiful, a stud even. He ran through everything that happened that night and he kept replaying every moment that passed. How Dean could make him smile and laugh with no real effort. He realized that Dean was probably the first one out of his family that made him smile genuinely. He smiled just as the thought of that. And the singing. Oh, God, the singing. At that thought, he shuffled out of his covers quickly to his stereo, put on Metallica Nothing Else Matters and slung back to bed. He grabbed the Black Devil pack from under his bed, deciding that he felt really happy, more than enough happy to have one.

As the music filled the room he lighted up his cigarette, taking a deep drag.

"This one's for you, Dean." He said to himself, probing an arm under head, and let the smoke trail slowly in deep gushes from his chapped lips.

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