Cinderfella Story (part 1)

Jul 31, 2012 15:43

Title: Cinderfella Story
Pairing: Dean/Castiel, 
Warning: smoking cigarettes, swearing, un-beta'd
Rating: PG -13
Spoilers: none/ total AU
Word count: Over all 18,198, this is just the first part. (the work is finished)
Notes: Inspired by Cinderella Story the Disney movie, which might explain why Lucifer is so off-character as are some other side characters.
Summary: Castiel is the high school 'dinerboy', and Dean is the popular jock. Though, they are also Angelboy and U.N.Owen. A dance will reveal something but not all. A Cinderella Story AU, Highschool!AU

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful little angel amidst the clouds of Heaven. He had unruly black hair, the littlest black wings and the eyes that were the epitome of the sky. The angel's name was Castiel. Castiel spent his time jumping from cloud to cloud, and flying away his time.

Or at least, that's the way my father viewed me.

The way I see it, once upon a time, there lived a nervous wreck of a boy amidst the hicks of Kansas. He had dirty black hair, and the eyes of an owl. He spent his time rolling in the dirt and reading comics.

My name is Castiel.

Yeah, yeah I know, weird name. Well, weird doesn't even begin to cover it. But as you can see my father held a fascination for angels. I was born on a Thursday, hence my name is Castiel, the angel of Thursday.

Growing up with my father was pretty awesome. I never really remembered my mom, so I didn't feel like I was missing out on something. He was my best friend, and I was his. I remember playing baseball with him, flying kites. I remember late nights at the diner, watching him and Gabe, Ellen, and Balthazar working. We were like a family. I remember watching scary movies, reading stories. I remember a particular story.

Cinderella I think it was called. I don't really remember why I liked it so much. I didn't have much to identify with it. Well, not then at least. All I know is, it was my favorite story, and dad never got tired of reading it to me. And even if he did, he kept it a secret, he was nice like that. So one day, after he finishes reading the story for about the hundredth time, I ask him this.

"Dad, do wishes come true?" I remember spitting a lot while talking, in my early years. Especially with those gaps between my teeth. That wasn't pretty.

"Well, if you work hard for them, they just might." He answered and smiled at me, all sun and warm.

"Do you have any wishes?" I asked, my childish innocence gleaming through.

"Yes, I do actually. I wish that, you will grow up, get good grades and go to college."He said in a very fatherly way.

"Where do princes go, daddy?" I asked, my mind constantly wandering around, catching on whatever I was thinking in my little brain at the moment.

"Ah, they, um, they go to Princeton!" He fumbled for his words, though making a clever assumption.

"Daddy, can't a prince save another prince and live happily ever after, together?" I asked out of the blue, speaking unsurely. My dad only smiled, as warm as ever.

"Sure they can, in fact they can even go to Princeton together after." He grinned happily, and I grinned back. He then tickled me, and lulled me to sleep.

And then there was the earthquake. You never really forget something like that, but you try to stop remembering it. It's kinda like a weird limbo. I lost my best friend that day. I think that's the point where I stopped smiling. And I don't mean I stopped stretching my lips, I still do that, but I mean I never really felt a smile settling freely on my face.

Since that day I started living with my uncle, Luke. I prefer to call him by his real name, though I would never dare to speak it out loud.

Lucifer. He truly is the devil, at least in my experience.

And let's not forget his two lovely daughters, Meg and Ruby. They're twins, which only reinforces my theory that at birth they shared one brain, and they had to split it in half so they both have one half of brain. It helps me keep my remarks to myself, knowing that they cannot help their stupidity, they were born that way.

Apparently my father never left a will, which meant that all of his belongings, the house, car, diner and everything in between went to his brother, Lucifer. And how convenient was it for them! They just got thrown out of their one bedroom apartment and settled right in. They moved me in the closet, upstairs, with the excuse that 'little girls need room to grow'. Soon, Lucifer took over the entire diner, turning it into a hell of his own craftsmanship. I couldn't feel the love in the place anymore. All that it was, was a workplace.

Although, many years went by, and now, I am 17 years old, about to graduate still sporting the mussed hair, though with slight changes in my body. I seem to have grown much like the space I was growing in. I grew slightly short, all knobby knees, bones and pale skin. Much like the crammed and dark little closet room. Though I seem to have spurted an early beard growth, which I cannot really bother to control, so I just leave it to stubble.

And this is my fairy tale.




Castiel quickly staggered up, surprising himself from his sleep. He fell asleep again at the desk, always with the homework and the research. He quickly snatched his glasses, placing them over his eyes. Just as another jolt of yelling was about to erupt, he quickly turned the little intercom on.

"Yes, uncle?"- He slurred through his sleep dazed state.

"It's breakfast time. So prepare it for me."- He demanded, speaking as if it was so obvious.

"Yes, sure." Castiel dismissed him and turned him off, taking a minute to rub at his sleep ridden eyes. It was a day to add to his age, and nothing more. Get walked on by Lucifer, work at the diner, school, work at the diner, study, sleep and repeat. Although there was a little something something, that helped him get through it all. A certain U.N.Owen. With that thought in mind he quickly turned on his computer, logging onto chat. As soon as he did, the chat box opened.

U. N. Owen: hey :)

U. N. Owen: been wonderin when youd wake up

Castiel smiled, a rare honest smile. He quickly typed back.

Angelboy: Been wondering when you'd text me.

Angelboy: How are you?

U. N. Owen: borderline fine

U. N. Owen: and u?

Angelboy: Okay, sleepy.

U. N. Owen:

Used to ramble through the park

Shadowboxing in the dark

Then you came and caused a spark

U. N. Owen: :)

Castiel chuckled quietly, pleasantly surprised from the lyrics on screen. He sent Owen a track yesterday, "I'm begging to see the light" by Duke Ellington. It was a soulful kind of jazz song. Owen seemed to like the songs Castiel listened to, even though they were out of his comfort zone. In return, Castiel received enough Led Zeppelin and AC/DC tracks to keep him entertained.

Angelboy: Hah, do you like it?

U. N. Owen: been listenin to it all morning

U. N. Owen: reminds me of you

Angelboy: Yeah?

U. N. Owen: yeah

U. N. Owen: you think Ill ever get to meet my angel? :) :P

"CASTIEL YOU GET DOWN THIS INSTANCE!" His uncle's thunderous voice came this time somewhere down his stairs.

Castiel dreaded this moment and quickly bent to reply to his Unknown.

Angelboy: Sorry I gotta go.

Angelboy: Bye, sorry.

And he quickly logged off, just as his uncle's footsteps came to a halt at his door. He opened the door with a bang, a look of fury on his face.

"Where is my breakfast, Castiel?" He spoke with silent threat in his voice.

"I was just going down to make it." Castiel replied calmly, getting slowly up from his chair.

Lucifer switched his gaze between Castiel and the computer, frowning.

"Ya know, I think this computer might be sidetracking you from your duties." He spoke with dismay.

"All my grades are straight A's, Luke." Castiel told him in a confused manner. He grabbed himself a small sweater, which sleeves were pulling up on his arms, and sometimes raised over his stomach, exposing his hip bones. It remained from when he was younger, hence his uncle didn't want to spend money on him. 'He still had a lot of growing to do, to outgrow his clothes.' Sure. Whatever.

"Yes, but your straight A's aren't gonna cook me food." He said lowering his stance so he was within eye level with Castiel, speaking slowly and matteroffactly.

"Now get." He almost growled to his face, before turning back to the door, leaving him.

Castiel sighed in a tired manner. 'Just a couple of more months Castiel, just a couple of more months and you're done.' He repeated his little mantra in his head, while he made his way downstairs to start preparing the breakfast of doom.


Castiel raided the lone tables of leftover food, glasses, plates, anything he could carry back to the dishwasher without making anything clatter to the floor and brake. He swiftly cleansed a table, when Gabriel came to hoover above him. Gabriel was the closest thing he had to a father, after all those years. Although, he always gave him a hard time for following Lucifer's orders.

"Don't you need to be in school, boy?" He asked Castiel, as if scolding him.

"I do infact, but Luke said that school was for smart people and people who want to get a job, and apparently I already have a job so no use going back there." He huffed exasperated, quoting Lucifer's words of wisdom.

"You do know that Luke is full of shit, right? " Gabriel asked, as if it was obvious.

"Yes, I know. I'll be leaving soon, just, let me finish here." Castiel replied in a hurry.

"No, you're leaving, now." Gabriel said in a stern voice.

"Gabe" But, he was cut off.

"No boy, your father would want you in school. Now get." Gabriel spoke determined but soft.

Castiel looked at him searchingly, and nodded slowly, jogging his way back to the house to grab his bag.


Moments later he honked in front of the Wesson's driveway. Sam's father was cleaning his precious BMW. His dad turned his way and smiled, waving his hand at him. Castiel politely waved back. He liked the Wessons, they were always nice and polite to him. Their son, Sam was his best and only friend from high school.

And there he was walking towards him with a grin on his handsome face. Sam was particularly tall, with long messy hair and a gangly frame. Most of the girls liked him, though they dismissed him quickly because he usually sidetracked out of conversation quickly. Like, you could be talking about donuts, and suddenly he'd start talking to you about a donut making company in Austria that were in fact a meth lab undercover and how'd the police took years to find and stop them. And then he'd go on about 'the signs' they should have followed, the hints they were given, how the sugared powder on the donuts should have been investigated... He wanted to go to law school really bad. Oh, and he loved the police shows, no matter how 'unrealistic' they were.

"Hey, dude." Sam greeted as he slid in next to him. He immediately turned his attention to the papers in his lap.

"Hello, Sam. What is it with the papers?" Castiel asked as he started up the little beat down car.

"Ah, I just found some college level attorney exercise on the web. They just give you a little case, and you're supposed to make a defense and attack." Sam spoke as he mussed through the papers.

"And how is that working out for you?" Castiel prompted. Sam always bothered with the silliest things. He knew Sam was gonna get in Stanford, gonna get a full ride, get a degree and be the best lawyer ever. He didn't need to test himself so much.

"Not so well, actually. For every attack I think of, I make a better defense. For every defense, I make a better attack. I can't find a middle. I can't find an end. It's frustrating, man." Sam huffed exasperated.

"I'm sure you'll do excellent. Isn't it best if a lawyer struggles with himself, meaning that he still seeks justice and not just money?" Castiel challenged.

Sam finally turned his way with a bright smile.

"You always know what to say, Cas." His grin widened, and just as suddenly faltered.

"Wow, dude, you look pretty bad. Late night?"Sam asked in a worried manner.

"I had to mop the floors at the diner..." Castiel looked away embarrassed.

"You don't have, to do anything, Cas." Sam offered quietly, looking at Castiel with what he called, 'the puppy dog' look.

Castiel switched his gaze to him, to respond. And just as suddenly


Castiel startled the car into a forced stop, his glasses slithering down his nose. Just as he was going to park the car, the "hell on heels" took their spot.

They giggled as they skipped out of the car, with forced ease. Castiel always thought they tried too hard. Women were naturally graceful, they didn't need to over do it.

"Ooops!" Lisa exclaimed, while the remark was followed by the laughter from Jo and Anna.

They were the three "it" girls, in their high school. They were what everyone wanted to have and what everyone wanted to be. Although Castiel didn't belong in that group, he often wished for a simpler life. But his wishes didn't involve wearing designer clothes and being head cheerleader.

Sam huffed beside him.

"There's a spot over there."

Just as Castiel turned the car over to park, another car swayed into their place. This one was a '67 Chevrolet Impala.

Out came Adam and Andy followed by their loud booming noises of laughter. Their voices disturbed him more than the girls. See, their voices were just going through mutation, so they sounded too offbeat, like their masculinity was trying to break through but the little whiny sound wouldn't let go. And Castiel was no one to talk about weird voice mutation. After his puberty changes he was left with this raspy growl of a voice. As a consequence, his gym teacher often harassed him about smoking cigarettes, though he never did. Well, he did, but, you know it's not the smoking that made his voice like that. Ok, maybe it was, a little. I mean Sam often scolded him for being a chimney.

And then, out of the long, sleek, black car came out Dean. Dean Winchester, with his blond, crew cut, tight, black shirt and ratty, old jeans. Dean and Castiel pretty much carried themselves the same way. Castiel wore old, too small, too tight clothes with holes in his jeans and Dean did the same, though apparently his were "fashionably" old. What is that? There's no such thing as fashionably old. It's either old, or fashionable. Though he suspected it had more to do with Dean himself rather than his clothing. Dean and his two sidekicks were the main guys in the school. They played in the football team, the baseball team, Dean even ran in the track team. They were the center of every party, every game, every school event. Castiel didn't hate them. He found he was unable to hate, and he believed that no child could hate. But he deeply, deeply resented them. While Andy and Adam laughed their asses off, Dean didn't even glance their way. Their laughter was soon joined in by Lisa, Jo and Anna.

Sam huffed, much in the same exasperated manner as before.

"I just wish I could talk to her, you know." Sam spoke somewhat sad and lost.

"Excuse me?" Castiel asked confused. He wasn't going about that again, was he?


Yeah, he was.

"I just, wish she'd give me a chance, you know? Just, let me prove to her that I'm not that bad. I mean Dean doesn't even acknowledge her half the time. He just, stares off when she's talking to him." Sam spoke frustrated.

"You would seriously consider hanging out with them, let alone be romantically involved with one of their kind?" Castiel prompted.

"Yeah, I mean, why not, maybe if they, just saw that we're cool, we could." Sam looked up at him hopefully.

"Losers park out back, at the dumpsters!" Anna was quick to spite them.

"Probably the same place this piece of trash belongs." Andy chimed in. All of them erupted in laughter, except Dean. Castiel just glared at them until his eyes caught Dean's and lingered. Everyone usually shied away under the intensity of his gaze. But not Dean. He stared right back. Though, his eyes were not threatening, nor malicious. He seemed very, unaffected.

"Quit ogling my boyfriend, dinerboy." Lisa barked viciously, tugging Dean by his arm further and away from them.

Now it was Castiel's turn to huff.

"You still want to hang out with them?" Castiel asked frustrated.

Sam squirmed in his seat, obviously embarrassed.

"Maybe some other day..." He trailed off lamely.

"Ok, listen up guys, Zachariah wants everybody in the school gym in 15 minutes. Says here it's important. Well, oh my, its sex ed. ! Wow, about time, huh? I would rather say too late, but I'm not even gonna go there. Says it's mandatory, so that means no hacky sack for the jocks, no make over time for the preps and no cigarette pause for the smokers. This should be slightly entertaining and a lot embarrassing, so get in there!" Jessica's voice boomed through the school's intercoms. She always did announcements, though Castiel was not sure why. She always seemed to trail off subject or start plainly talking to herself. Although she always caught everyones attention so maybe that's why. She was indeed good.

"She's right you know. They are too late." Sam quipped.

"We're not one to talk, Sam." Castiel deadpanned, and Sam blushed embarrassingly. Castiel didn't mind being a virgin, though Sam obviously did. He always tried bringing up the subject with him, though Castiel would have none of it. Sexuality is private and Sam and everybody else should keep it to themselves. And away from Castiel. He had enough sexual frustrations, and with Sam constantly bringing up the subject it was like adding fuel to the flame.

He had figured long ago that he was never really into girls. Since his English teacher from middle school he had known. Mister Ackles had the broadest smile he had ever seen. And he never made fun of the way Castiel talked, on the contrary he encouraged him. And whenever he praised him for a good assignment Castiel would blush and smile dumbly. Years after, he realized that what he felt towards Mister Ackles was a sort of fondness. And now when he thinks back to him, he thinks how damn hot his teacher was.

Making a turn in the hallway Castiel bumped into his stalker extraordinaire, Chuck Shurley.

"Oh, Oh, Castiel um, oh and Sam, ah, hello." Chuck quivered and fidgeted in front of them. Chuck held something of a, fascination if you will, for Castiel. Because regardless what Sam said Chuck wasn't in love with Castiel. He was not, okay?

Chuck was an aspiring writer, or so he thought he was. Even though Castiel wasn't exactly fond of him, Chuck worried him. He was a nervous wreck, always with the coffee and never with the sleeping. He was currently writing a book involving supernatural beings. Castiel was, to his embarrassment and annoyment , one of the characters in the book. Chuck, being the stalker he is, googled and researched his name, finding out that his name actually represented and angel so he got the greatest idea to put him as an angel in his book! Isn't that just wonderful?

It isn't.

"Hey, Chuck." Sam greeted him, trying to sound pleasantly surprised and failing miserably. Though Chuck didn't even glance Sam's way, instead trailing Castiel up and down. Sam coughed slightly and elbowed Castiel in the ribs after the short uncomfortable silence.

"Hello, Chuck." Castiel finally spoke looking very unimpressed.

Chuck actually wheezed upon hearing Castiel's voice.

"You heard they're holding sex ed. in the gym right now?" Chuck asked him looking earnest.

"Yes, I did." Castiel replied calmly.

"You gonna go?" Chuck asked looking absolutely flustered.

"Yes, we were just going there, actually." Castiel replied confused.

"That's so hot." Chuck sighed out the words in a wistful manner.

Castiel and Sam just blinked.

"Stay safe, Chuck." Castiel replied dismissively, brushing past him in a hurry, Sam following his step.

"You are the only reason I do, my angel!" Chuck called back at them, his voice sounding strained, as he fought back the urge to sexually assault Castiel.

Castiel visibly winced at that last part while Sam laughed next to him, as they hurried to the gym. Chuck was mixing reality with fiction again, calling him an angel.

"I don't know how to deal with him anymore, Sam." Castiel sighed out, clutching his bag's strap tightly.

"Well, you can look on the bright side." Sam said looking like he was barely holding back a laugh.

"And what is that?" Castiel asked, for he wasn't really finding a bright side to any of his situation.

"You're gonna be the first one to get a signed copy of his book." And Sam burst out into laughter.

Castiel's face faltered in a frown, though there wasn't really any heat into it.

"It isn't funny." Castiel replied quietly smiling slightly.

"It is a little." Sam finally halted his laughter.

"A little. Maybe."


The gym was packed with kids, the noise of their voices overwhelming Castiel. Down from the bleachers was a desk and a projector directed at a big black board. A few kids were giggling and pointing at the box of condoms on the desk. He and Sam seated themselves at the far upper corner on the highest row. This was gonna be so boring.

Suddenly, Castiel's phone buzzed.

U. N. Owen:

this is so boring man

Castiel smiled despite himself upon seeing the message. He quickly typed back.


You'd think a box of condoms would mean otherwise.

"It's your anonymous lover, isn't it?" Sam asked teasingly.

"He is not my lover. And yes, it is." Castiel quickly replied, glancing back at Sam who looked at him with knowing eyes.

U. N. Owen:

hahah i thought angels were supposed to be pure and innocent :p



U. N. Owen:

aw come on dpnt be mad :(



U. N. Owen:

look at zachariah puttin that condom on the banana like his life depnds on it

Castiel glanced up and saw Zachariah sweating and looking red like a piglet. He laughed involuntary. And then he remembered. He gazed around him looking for whoever had a phone in his hands. Which ended up being more than half the student body. He sighed.


He looks like a turkey on thanksgiving.

U. N. Owen:

hahahah your funny

U. N. Owen:

and i bet youre cute :) ;)

U. N. Owen:

i wanna meet you :)


You will.

The bell ringed meaning this waste of time was over. Castiel quickly bent over to give a last quick reply.




After the last bell, Castiel hopped into his car to make the drive back home. Sam and some other classes were done early, since Bobby, the autoshop teacher was sick, so Castiel was driving home alone. Stopping at a red light he noticed he was low on gas. Deciding he needed to refill he made his way to the Winchester's garage and car wash. They were stacked on everything car related so he could get a refill over there.

John Winchester, Dean's father owned it and he had a pretty good business going for him. Dean was the natural heir to the throne of the car wash, so he was pretty secured. Castiel kind of resented that fact. He himself had to go to university and work for a job, while Dean had it handed to him. Speak of the devil, just as he parked by the petrol station the familiar form staggered next to him.

"You need a wax." Dean said hovering over his window, smoothing a hand over the car's roof.

"Excuse me?" Castiel asked bewildered. He was a guy, he was in no need of a wax.

Dean chanced a look at him and huffed a laugh.

"The car I mean. You on the other hand, need a shave." Dean smiled absently at the car.

Castiel ran a thoughtful hand over his chin feeling the scratching of stubble under his fingers.

"I might." Castiel admitted, embarrassed.

Dean laughed again dismissively.

"Here, I'll fill you up." Dean said and made his way to the hose when a disturbingly familiar echo of car honks stopped on the other side of his car.

A yellow and pink Audi with their respective owners Meg and Ruby stood expectantly not far from Castiel and Dean.

Castiel never liked their cars, much as he didn't their owners. The cars design was respectively ok, but the color it just... It made everything worse. Castiel didn't have much knowledge in cars but he knew what he liked and what he didn't. And he knew he didn't like the glossy shine from their Audis. His car might have been beat down, cramped and old, but it held value to him. It used to be his fathers and he had a lot of memories from many road trips with his dad in this car. If he could buy himself a BMW he wouldn't. It just, it would never be the same for him.

"Hey, Dean! Hey, sweetie! Come over here! Your service is needed here, Dean!" Meg and Ruby babbled and shouted, waving Dean over their side. Their cars were covered in mud, grass, and something resembling moss. There was even a little fish stuck to Ruby's aggressively pink Audi.

Castiel huffed incredulously straining himself out of his car window.

"I can't believe this." Castiel said to himself.

"Better believe it. They come here at least twice a week for a wash. You should watch your sisters more closely, Cas." Dean spoke unamused.

"They are no sisters of mine." Castiel replied defensively. Who was he to tell him what to do? He didn't even know him. And where did that 'Cas' come from?

Dean seemed to catch on to Castiel's tone of voice as he quickly turned to look at him guiltily.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean But Castiel cut him off.

"It's alright, Dean. Go get them before they urinate over themselves." Castiel replied amused.

Dean actually laughed.

"I'll get on that." Dean said and made his way towards the two Audis.

Castiel huffed once more as he saw his two stepsisters gurgle with words of admiration for Dean.


U. N. Owen: hav you ever walked into a room recognized everyones faces and realised you don't know anyone?

Angelboy: On a daily basis.

U. N. Owen: how do you handle it?

Angelboy: I don't have to handle it.

U. N. Owen: wha does that mean?

Angelboy: I don't surround myself with people I don't truly know.

Angelboy: They might be around me, but I don't acknowledge them.

Angelboy: Being an individual might be hard, but it had led me to the most fantastic people.

U. N. Owen: im not an individual.

U. N. Owen: i hide behind a mask so i dont have to try explain the way i am

U. N. Owen: i always feel like i have to be wha everybody wants me to be, you know?

U. N. Owen: i have to be obedient for my dad, i have to be funny for my friends, i have to be a man for the girls...

U. N. Owen: i can only be myself when i talk to you

Angelboy: Don't you want to change that?

U. N. Owen: no actually. becuse if i do i will be completely alone.

U. N. Owen: and forget about making new friends, im too antisocial for that

U. N. Owen: im used to faking it by now

Angelboy: I don't want you to fake it.

U. N. Owen: i never do when talking to you

Angelboy: Someone once said that it's easiest to open up to a stranger, knowing they can never hold anything against you.

U. N. Owen: i wanna give you that right

U. N. Owen: i want you in my life angel

U. N. Owen: you know more about me than my father does

U. N. Owen: please come to the halloween party

Angelboy: I don't know about that Owen...

U. N. Owen: i swear im not a pedophile

U. N. Owen: or maybe you dont want me?

U. N. Owen: did i scare you off with the mask thing?

U. N. Owen: cause i swear i wasn't being literal

Angelboy: STOP!

Angelboy: I'm sorry, it's just that you didn't really give me space to reply you.

U. N. Owen: sorry

Angelboy: I do want to meet you. More than you know. But I'm not sure how will you react when you meet me.

Angelboy: I'm sorry.

U. N. Owen: Are you a girl?

Angelboy: No.

U. N. Owen: then i wanna met u

U. N. Owen: i could care les if your in the basketball team or in the chess club

U. N. Owen: i want you like yesterday

Angelboy: I'm in neither.

U. N. Owen: well that eliminates about 30 kids out of a thousand

U. N. Owen: meet me in the center of the room under the disco ball at 11 pm

Angelboy: I'll have to think about it.

Angelboy: It doesn't just depend on me.

U. N. Owen: please

U. N. Owen: atleast promise me youll try

Angelboy: I promise I will try.

U. N. Owen: thank you

U. N. Owen: It's not in the way that your love set me free

It's not in the way you look or the things that you say that you'll do

Hold the line, love isn't always on time.

U. N. Owen: good night angel :)

U. N. Owen is offline

Castiel looked at the lyrics on screen like they personally offended him. Mister Unknown knew exactly what he was doing. Now Castiel had to go to that wretched dance. He glanced at the clock, 3:23 AM in bold red colors almost laughing at him. He ran his hands through his hair once and switched his gaze back to the computer. He quickly typed 'toto hold the line' on Google and opened a Youtube video. Soon the soft but powerful music filled his little room.

He took his tshirt off, feeling uncommonly warm, readjusted his glasses and pulled out his black devil pack of cigarettes. They were pretty expensive, and he kept them only for when he was feeling really desperate or really happy.

He didn't know which of those two was it, so he picked out two cigarettes, placed one on his desk, placed the other between his lips. He fished out his lighter from his desk's drawer, lit up the little flame, inhaled his cigarette and let his lighter clatter on the desk. The deep smoke from his black cigarette looked mesmerizing over the dim lit room. He slouched down on his chair and propped his legs up on his desk.

Hold the line, love isn't always on time, oh ,oh ,oh

Hold the line, love isn't always on time, oh, oh, oh

Castiel exhaled another deep gush of smoke.

"Sure as hell it isn't." He said softly to himself.

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