Time to declutter and move ahead

Feb 03, 2010 14:04

Ok, so my arch at work has completed, and I do not currently have a new role to move into. Thus I am 'On the Bench' -- or in my words, employed unemployment. I have a job, but no work at the moment, or as my manager puts it my job is to find a job -- obviously within the company.

It may mean doing something different than I am, something other than DBA work.

That's fine that's great. As I told my manager the other morning, originally I was looking at ITLP positions, where I would be rotated through a series of differnt positions, exposing me to differnt aspects of the business, letting me see what those entail that would not only allow myself and the company to find the right fit, but would allow me to build a diversified foundation.

I need to find out what I could re-tool into and as. What other realm of IT that I could do here would be bennificial for the company and help me move on towards my life and career goals.

What are those goals? What can I get out of the way, state and thus label and move aside so that I can find what I'm doing. and what I need to do?

Life goals:
There are things I want. and if anything those count as goals or at least milestones:
I want to like my house maybe even love it to make it ours.

I want to throw/host a prom re-do, but I don't know the time or exactally what or who. I do know that if it goes well I want to see if I can perhaps roll it into a fundraiser for MBCES.

I will be running the Pig for MBCES -- this will hopefully get me into better shape and give me more time with my sister.

I want to think about Grad school. and get some ducks in order about it.

Work goals:

eventually I want to be a solutions Archetect. I want to put to use what I learned in Systems Analysis and Design. I want the majority of my deliverables to be DFD's, ERD's, and pseudo code.

I need to find a new position, one where it clicks and I fit and I enjoy doing what I'm doing. I need it to be something I can be passionate about that I'm willing and able to dealve into it and teach it to myself and learn new things about it on my own.

I need better networking skills, I need to have the self confidence to go forward meet some one and not self depreciate. To know what my base skills are and to know that YES I am good at these things, I can be good for you too.

Goals for the year:
I'm Ikasu Ops director, I've got quite a few goals pertaining to this year and how I want to interact and how I want to get this pulled off. This is a time drain, but in the end I think it will be benifficial for me on both a personal and professional level.
The things I like about this position end up being along the lines of the satisfaction of seeing it all come together at con, and the learnings in bringing the people together to do so and making the processes smoother in general as things go.

Outside Project with friends -- there is a project that some of my friends are getting together to accomplish. It's awesome, and like the Ikasu work, the stuff I do and learn here I feel can only increase my personal, and professional growth. It too involves a lot of time.

Things I know about myself:
I know that I'm happy when I'm busy -- meaning I have stuff on my to-do list that can be checked off and can directly relate to the customer -- example -- I have to move x tables.
Not so good about I need to read this manual, and go over this code.
I'm a good student when I'm in classes, and I learn through class interaction, ansering posed questions, confirming my ideas(to the teacher in class) and through being walked through it a few times so that I build not only the competency but the confidence that I know it.

I currently am attempting to build my confidence and my knowledge base currently working through Scot Berkun's the Art of Project management, and Hunt and Thomas' Pragmatic programmer. Issue being that I've been attempting to read these for the past 3 years.

I'm better with smaller changes, better when I can see the results building. this also goes for problem solving at work, when I can see or believe there is progress I'm more motivated to continue.

I want I want I want:
We need a new heater -- the one we have is as old as the house, and the duct work is part of what is causing the temperature descrepancy in the bedroom.
We need new windows -- as much as I'd like to do this before the heater the heater is less expensive. I think the windows too are as old as the house and the house is leaking like a seive.
I'd like new carpet
I'd like to do something with the bathrooms on the second floor and update increase the plumbing
I'd like to change out part of the fence so that it's not oddly angled and that area of the yard can be used
take down the swing set -- I don't care I don't know how old it is and by the time there are kids old ennough to use it, it's going to be badly in dissuse.
I want new furniture for the living room
I want a better set up for the laundry area
I want new cabnients in the kitchen
I want additional counter space in the kitchen
I want to re-seal the deck in the back -- it should have been done before winter but we got the house a month later than we expected and the weather turned.
I want new clothes
Matt NEEDS new clothes
Matt wants a new computer -- and to maybe get me a new one as well with the specific purpose being the freind based venture.
We want to put network cables in the walls of the house.
I want to get stuff paid off and get rid of debt -- and in my mind I'm moving too slow on it-- and no nothing would be fast ennough other than a boon that would let me get rid of it all in one lump sum.
I want to be able to be there for my freinds if it is needed ( even if I think it is needed and they don't )
I want to paint the spare bedroom and get that set up.
I want to get the Piano and the Refidgerator over from Mom and Dad's along with the cabnients that they talked about.
I want a new purse
I want a better parking option for work
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