It's official now in my book. America is fucked and I do not see any path to healing that is realistic. Read this: tell me you don't think America has a collective mental illness.
Wanna know how many schools were shot up in all of Europe this year? Zero.
I have to ask, why the FUCK do you people (and yes, I do say that with a temporary (because I am pissed) taint of disdain, choose to live there? Why do you remain there? You can't walk to your cars in safety. You can't send your children to school without worrying someone will shoot them. Every American female friend I have that I know well enough to ask about this has been molested or raped at some point in their lives. That is America now. So why are you staying there?
I really need to know this and let me tell you escuses that won't work on me:
1- I don't have the money to move. Bullshit. Neither did I.
2- I'm just not ready to move out yet. Ok, then you're a pussy. What does it take? A bullet in your ass to get you motivated? Just wait.
I need a real answer. Is it patriotism? Jesus hell. Please say no. Is it that you feel a connection there? Connection to what? Your family and friends are there? Is that enough to make you want to be in a place that is looking more and more like Nazi Germany every day? Do you actually like it there?
Go somewhere. Leave. Go to Canada. Mexico. Europe. Go to New Zealand. Go to Peru. You live in a sick society that rapes, murders and destroys. If you are ok with this, there is something wrong with you.