Torchwood 2x12 "Fragments"

Mar 22, 2008 00:02

Okay, I have an embarrassing confession to make. I TOTALLY thought the former head of Torchwood 3 was a fobwatched Timey when I saw the silvery glowing, uh, locket thing that wasn't actually a fobwatch. I WAS DISTRACTED BY THE TVM REFERENCE, IS ALL I CAN SAY. And then I was all flailing about because I thought I heard the guy say that *someone* had shown him the future, and I was all OMG ROBERTS!MASTER FOBWATCHED (LOCKETED?) THE SECRET TIME LORD LEADER OF TORCHWOOD 3 AND HYPNOTISED HIM INTO KILLING EVERYONE TO KEEP THEM ALL OUT OF THE WAY.

*cough* Yeah, like I said, I was distracted.

I had to watch that scene again before I realised that he said he'd looked into the locket, and it showed him the future (which, I'm still assuming, was everything getting sucked into the Eye of Harmony.) So the Timeys? Still all dead.

Also: WTF JACK TELLING TORCHWOOD THE DOCTOR HAS TO COME BACK TO CARDIFF TO REFUEL? Yeah, that was smart. Loved the "I'm gonna kiss him, and then I'm gonna kill him" bit, though. Oh Jack, WHY DID YOU DO NEITHER?! Also lol 19th century bisexual Torchwood. Even back then it was in the job description.

To review everything else: Torchwood = EVIL, UNIT = Only slightly less evil (WTF, man? What. The. Fuck?); Tosh = WIN; Ianto Jones, Dinosaur Hunter; Owen is still better dead; and NEEDED MOAR SUZIE.

Oh, and PS:

Dear Captain John,

The jilted lover schtick has already been done, and better, by the Master. And you, sir, are not the Master.


squee, reaction posts, i is slow, torchwood

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