Dec 12, 2010 22:39

I have one! Finally! Despite the weather and the general incompetence of UPS trying to conspire against me, I actually have a working, functional computer once again. One that doesn't beachball every thirty seconds and plays flash video and has a DVD drive that'll actually play DVDs and everything! It is truly a joyous day.

It's been christened Iwate-san, after the volcano of the same name (岩手山) -- although come to think of it, naming it after something that rumbles and gives off smoke every few years was probably not the best of ideas, but I think it was more because of the giant size of this desktop compared to the laptops we've had previously. (Also, for some reason, we seem to always give Apple products Japanese-related names. The laptops, now deceased, were Kaeru and Imanishi, and I have ipods named shiro-kun, kuro-kun and aka-chan. Meanwhile, the external drives, on the other hand, are named Orac and Zen, and the one with two equal sized partitions is Merlin and Arthur (lololol two sides of the same coin, get it?)

Anyway, I'd like to pretend that having a working computer = less lurking, but I know better than to make such promises. Also, ALSO, I only get a week with this computer before I must leave it behind and fly to Freedomland for Christmas. (Holy crap, that's in only a WEEK, fffffuuuuu.)

Soooooo... How've you all been?

real life, random

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