Yuletide done and posted!

Dec 18, 2009 10:24

I'm the 98th person to post a Yuletide fic. I could have been 10th, as I was ready to post last night, but I was soooooo tired when the instructions went out that I decided to wait until this morning. I love that it's on AO3 and can be edited, because that meant I could post today and do a little tweaking later to catch any last typos, etc. (I found a typo in my summary when I posted!)

I'm not nearly so excited about the big winter storm on its way, since I hate snow with a passion. I did go to the grocery store this morning to get some fruit, because without that, there's very little that Yael will eat. ::sigh:: I'm reminded, though, of the time I went to the store the day before a big snowstorm, simply because I had some items I was actually running out of. I walked into the store, pulled out my list, and realized that it boiled down to "eggs, milk, bread, toilet paper." I cracked up :) Today I needed eggs, because we had quiche the other day, so we only have two eggs left. I also bought myself some tofu ice cream because I was craving chocolate ice cream last night :(

Oy, I've just remembered that we have dinner at the shul tonight. I'm sure it'll be nice, but I don't know if I'm in the mood. At least the snow isn't supposed to start until after we're already home. Must remind Avi. It's on his calendar too, but I'm sure he forgot just like I did.

yuletide, weather

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