Work, food, and other stuff

Dec 15, 2009 22:43

While I was describing my day yesterday, I completely forgot to mention the most annoying part. I was discussing Barak's minor digestive issues with the pediatrician and said that I'd tried taking dairy and other foods out of Barak's diet, with no effect. So the doctor suggested I try taking dairy out of my diet. ::headdesk:: Whoop-de-doo. I need to give it 4 or 5 days and see what happens. And if it helps...then I'm going to cry. Because even if I wanted to stop breastfeeding, I can't, because Barak won't drink out of either a bottle or sippy cup right now.

I could give up meat much more easily. Heck, I only eat meat maybe 2 or 3 times a week. I eat dairy...a lot. A whole lot. Every breakfast, almost every dessert, and many of my snacks. Not to mention many lunches and dinners. Argl. I don't want to start eating meat more often, so...more fish, I guess. More Asian food. More tofu. But not my favorite yummy Morningstar Farms fake meat, because it's dairy :(

In better news, the new Suddenly Sprockets! website has gone live. If you'd like to see what I've been whining talking about, head on over to www(dot)apa(dot)org. It looks shiny, if I do say so myself because I really didn't have that much to do with its shininess.

In more headdesky news, I completely failed to send sweetgrinch a list of problems on the membership application that needed to be fixed by someone with the correct access. Argl. Hi, this is me feeling dumb. Apparently someone else caught it and presumably is fixing it soonish, but I hate dropping the ball.

On that note, I'm going to bed, as work resumes in the morning and I'm going to go walking in the mall again, so I need some sleep.

food, work

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