Sad things

Jul 29, 2008 08:25

I've been searching for something to say about the man who walked into a Tennessee UU church and shot people. Honestly, I think I can't say it any better than artaxastra here (although she wrote it before it became clear that she was right about why he did it).

artaxastra says (in part): And yet all the time I see on LJ people saying things "Coming out is no big deal anymore. People overestimate the consequences. It's just people being dramatic."

In red states you don't even have to be gay yourself. Being friends with gay people can get you shot in front of your children.

Although I'm no longer stupid enough to say that coming out is no big deal, I have no doubt that I still think like that sometimes. I live in a blue area in a blue state, with friends who are liberal. But not everybody lives someplace where being gay or bi or trans or whatever is no big deal.

I want to say more, but I honestly have no idea what, except that my heart goes out to that church and those families.

news, religion

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