Ask me if I give a flying rat's patootie. Really, just ask.

May 13, 2008 16:25

Just when I'm feeling incredibly cranky and crappy and all that...someone goes and leaves the following comment on my last House review:

this article lacks the true meaning of cinematic review and just compares this episode with the past. she goes into details that are irrelevant to the reader. this is a very poor review and i believe that this writer should begin writer reviews for pornos because she sucks a big dick.

::eyeroll:: It hasn't turned up on the page yet, but it just got e-mailed to me. I'm sure when it turns up on the site it will be anonymous, but I'm kind of hoping for an e-mail address so I can take my bad mood out on him. ('Cause it might have come from a woman, but I'm betting not.)

Oy. Maybe we can watch the latest House episode tonight, so I can write that review. ::headdesk:: I'm so far behind on work it's not even funny. Back to editing now.

ETA: Avi's comment upon hearing the review was to pause, then grin. "Doesn't your husband wish."

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