Things wot I love

Jun 01, 2007 08:41

I'm in a crappy mood, so following the lead of various other folks, I think it's time I wrote a list of nice things. Uh, this is in no particular order.

1. The Curious George cartoon. "George had been drawing all morning. The only problem was, when he drew too long, he got a cramp in his foot." Clever, cute, and it doesn't drive me insane to see the same episode ten times.

2. My daughter sleeping next to me, her little fingers twitching now and then and her mouth slightly open. Or when she carefully changes the diaper on her doll, informing me that the doll is poopy. Or when she happily goes on the slide, saying "Whee!" as she comes down.

3. My hubby immediately offering to get me chicken soup upon hearing I'm sick. Also putting Yael to bed by himself and letting me sleep on the couch much of the evening.

4. Fandom. Yeah, I know, sometimes I want to run around throttling people, but the past few days have reminded me what I love about fandom too. How can I not love a group of people whose response to attack is to create icons that say, "Fandom. We're not just another group of people. We're not passive. We're...really fucking annoying." ::giggles madly::

5. My bed. Comfy and warm and snuggly. It's about ten times better with my husband and baby in it.

6. Doctor Who and Torchwood and Stargate and Batman and Superman and...all those fannish things that bring the squee.

7. Living where I do. Because I can hop on the Metro and go to the zoo and we've got a zillion great parks and playgrounds and the train at Wheaton Regional and...

8. My friends, RL and fandom, playgroup and college and high school and whatnot. You guys rock so much it's not even funny.

And there's lots more, but my parents are here, so I need to settle down and get some work done, because I got almost nothing done yesterday.


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