Once again, I'm wearing the crankypants

May 31, 2007 13:23

Would it be a bad thing if I went outside and beat up whoever is blasting music so loudly that I can feel it as well as hear it? Especially when they're doing this while my daughter is napping?

C'mon, no jury of mommies would convict, right?

Urg. Am cranky because my body seems to have decided this is a great time for me to get a cold. At least my parents are coming tomorrow so I can get work done in the morning. Of course, I may end up taking a nap then instead, if I feel worse than I do now.

I'm trying to edit, but between feeling like crap and the music blaring outside, it's not happening so much. Which is bad, because I have a lot of work to do.

I did manage to get a pot of chicken soup on the stove, though, so at least soon I'll have chicken soup to make myself feel better. ::sniffles and feels sorry for herself::

On the bright side, fandom_counts is over 27,000 and that gives me a warm fuzzy glow.

Ugh. I have so much to do. Must go make myself do some of it.


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