Year in review...NOT

Dec 31, 2012 14:35

As several other folks on my flist have noted, I'm not doing any kind of year in review thing, because on the whole, this year sucked like a Hoover. A really messy noisy obnoxious one. The only bright spots were my kids being adorable, Avi getting the new job, and MsC getting married.

Other than that, it was a shitty year for younger siblings, everybody seemed to be sick much of the time, I attended two funerals (and almost two more), and the world seemed to be filled with awful people who filled me with rage.

I've been ready for 2012 to be over since about January. But I'm going to take a deep breath and wish everyone a happier 2013. May your joy increase, you family prosper, and your enemies suffer hemorrhoids. I hope for good health and happiness for all of us and peace for our entire world.

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