Leverage finale

Jan 19, 2012 13:14

I'm not sure I can even be vaguely coherent! I just finished watching "The Radio Job" and "The Last Dam Job" back-to-back and OMGILOVETHEMSOMUCH.

Just when I think the writers love me, they do this and I realize that they REALLY REALLY REALLY love me. Khaos! (Or however he spells it :D) Maggie! Archie! Victor Dubenich! Jimmy Ford!

And...okay, I'm sure I've said before that my biggest kink ever is protectiveness, right? Teamwork and team feeling like family just turns me into a happy, mushy ball. So these episodes could pretty much have been titled "The Make Mara the Happiest Woman on Earth Job" if they were going for truth in advertising.

If I had all day, I couldn't articulate everything I loved in both eps. There's the team stuff that made me so happy, like Eliot thinking about killing Dubenich to save his friend. Awwwww. Everybody showing up even when Nate tells them not to. Because they won't leave him, damn it. And Sophie trying to convince him.

Yes, this season was about consequences and Nate's had to face losing his dad. But y'know what else is a consequence of everything that's come before? How the team feels about each other. They are a family and you don't mess with family if you want to win.

I love when this show can pull off things that shouldn't work. Like (as Rogers points out on his blog) the awesome Square-Jawed Cop of Righteousness. He should be cheesy but he's not. He absolutely works and is adorable and I love that Eliot leaves him some bad guys so he doesn't get in trouble.

And that shot of the other four looking down on the dam also should have been cheesy. So why did I tear up at that moment? Perfect.

And the humor. I love that the show doesn't forget to bring the funny. The Batcave and "Say my name" and Archie calling Parker his daughter and the image of Sophie dressed up at Troi and Eliot and the other guy negotiating in a room of guys with guns and...well, everything.

::shakes head:: That is some goddamn good writing, directing, and acting. I salute the entire cast and crew of Leverage! I loved this season and I can't wait for the next.

I wish I could squee longer but I just lost a lot of work time to the fact that I couldn't wait any longer to see the episodes :D

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