Goody gumdrops

Jan 18, 2012 15:05

Yup, I just loooove glancing over my schedule to be sure I'll be ready for the two upcoming funerals. Whee. So, two people (one family and one close to family) are near death.

One is my mother's cousin Milton, whose funeral will be in Manhattan. The other is Devora Golinkin, the wife of my childhood rabbi. Besides all the years we celebrated Passover at their house, Devora and my mother have also been friends for, oh, many decades. Certainly since my childhood.

I haven't seen Devora in a number of years, but that's certainly a funeral I can't miss. ::sigh:: Milton could hang on for a great many more months, but Devora is in hospice and not expected to last more than a few days.

Next Wednesday is my root canal. Even more yay. I'm trying to figure out if the abscess into my sinus will mean that I'm going to be in excruciating pain again from the cleaning solution shooting up my sinuses. For some reason, pondering this question does not fill me with unending joy. Imagine that.

At least this time I'll know to take a massive dose of ibuprofen beforehand, so that will help a bit. Too bad I don't have any Vicodin or Percocet. Argl. I'll also take a Klonopin beforehand in the hopes that I won't panic.

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