Title: Perfectly Normal Rating: PG Category: humor, romance Timeframe: New Republic; one week after VotF Summary: Luke and Mara discover that being a couple includes facing unexpected challenges.
Aw! This was so sweet. I really enjoyed it, especially all of its realistic events.
Or if you were willing to put just a little more effort into it, if we had ten, we could form a Skywalker-only squadron. OMG! Can you imagine it? I agree with him, it would be fun!
Great fic! So, I hope you'll be delighting us with another one.
Thank you! Ten Skywalker kids might be fun, yes, but considering who'd have to go through the ten pregnancies and births, Luke was walking a risky, risky path with that comment. :p
If you don't mind me asking, where are the major centers of L/M activity these days? It's kind of an old ship, so it's hard to tell what's active and what's not.
I may not be the best person to ask about what's active, because I myself am only active at TheForce.Net's Jedi Council message boards and here. :p But the 'ship is certainly alive at the TF.N boards, and of course we hope people will post more Mara fics (which are often L/M fics as well) here, too. :)
I don't know how much L/M fanfic you've found and read, so I hope you'll pardon me if I list links here you're already familiar with, but I remember looking for L/M fics when I was very new to fanfic and how frustrating it could be and how gleeful I was to find a new story, so I made a list of links for you.
JC Fan Fic - Beyond the Saga - There's TF.N's fanfic board for stories set after RotJ, where most L/M obviously take place, timewise. However, there are occasionally L/M fics on the Saga board as well; there's a link to that at the top of Beyond's page.
L/M story index - This is a discussion thread for the L/M 'ship on TF.N's Fan Fiction Resource board, and on the first page it has a reasonably comprehensive index of L/M
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Comments 13
I love how you write Luke and Mara's relationship. Good stuff.
Thank you very much! I appreciate the feedback. :D
Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and reply, and I'm glad you liked it. :D
Or if you were willing to put just a little more effort into it, if we had ten, we could form a Skywalker-only squadron. OMG! Can you imagine it? I agree with him, it would be fun!
Great fic! So, I hope you'll be delighting us with another one.
I appreciate the kind words! :)
Thanks! :)
I don't know how much L/M fanfic you've found and read, so I hope you'll pardon me if I list links here you're already familiar with, but I remember looking for L/M fics when I was very new to fanfic and how frustrating it could be and how gleeful I was to find a new story, so I made a list of links for you.
JC Fan Fic - Beyond the Saga - There's TF.N's fanfic board for stories set after RotJ, where most L/M obviously take place, timewise. However, there are occasionally L/M fics on the Saga board as well; there's a link to that at the top of Beyond's page.
L/M story index - This is a discussion thread for the L/M 'ship on TF.N's Fan Fiction Resource board, and on the first page it has a reasonably comprehensive index of L/M ( ... )
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