What am I Getting Myself Into?

May 26, 2005 16:37

The trip to Disneyland went very well considering my expectations. There were irritations with Jason's parents... namely the fact that his mother kept feeding Madison marshmallows at breakfast and every other mealtime and inbetween. She was doing it to bribe Madison into liking her but there are another ways to do that which work better! Jason's dad is okay as long as he's not around his wife because she's a total stick in the mud. Her and Leigh wanted to do nothing else but shop constantly. The only reason I think Leigh was attatched to Sherry's hip was to get money out of her. Then of course there's the part where Leigh knows everything and everyone she knows is somebody important. I also get tired of Jason's parents talking about how they don't get to spend time with their granddaughter but then wandering off in the parks, not eating with the group, not taking her on rides, and not staying in the park for more than half a day. It's rather hard to get to know your granddaughter when you aren't around her and my mom, Jason and I tried to get them involved. Jim took Madison on a couple of rides after we told him to go on them. I honestly had to tell Jason to take Madison and his father and go on a ride because I was tired of them talking like we didn't let them do stuff with Madison. Finally I just gave up because Madison prefers my parents anyhow and they did want to spend time with her. I enjoyed myself much more when my parens and I went off on our own (sometimes Jason was with us) or when I went off with Jason and left Madison with my parents.

The most irritating thing was that Madison was incredibly clingy to me at times and got into throwing tantrums. I'm sure a huge contributer to the tantrums was not having enough sleep but they were irritating anyhow. Mostly they happened at meal times because she didn't want to eat she wanted to go on rides. The best part about the whole trip was meeting Annette and her children and getting a few hours to hang out with her here and there. Too bad we didn't have more time together but our cell phones were being crappy and not getting messages across. Having my grandparents at the park was also wonderful since I haven't seen them since Christmas. Madison took to them very well and they of course were thrilled with that.

This week has mainly been us trying to get back into our normal sort of routine. Madison is being beastly and I'm sure it's because her normal life is boring and Disneyland was so stimulating. She's waking up earlier in the morning than usual and is ready to go somewhere but there's nowhere to go really and then she has a tantrum. At least we have had playgroup twice this week and our neighbor was nice enough to let us ride along to the commissary yesterday which calmed Madison down for a bit. The house is sort of messy and for some reason Apollo has decided to be a shit head and start getting into and eating the cat litter. When we got home there were huge chunks of litter all over the dang house and we thought it was the cat until it kept happening. Tuesday until today I didn't find anymore messes of that sort until this afternoon when I found more all over the entry way and living room floors. What the hell is wrong with him I have no idea because he's never done this before. He never used to go into the utility room because he knew not to. I'm about to spank the bejezus out of him... it's not like I haven't been taking him on walks and out to the field since we've been home! In fact I've been doing that and neglecting to finish unpacking, put laundry away and start back on my regular chores. He'd better stop eating the cat litter before I have to get mean!

So as far as what I'm getting myself into... ugh! Well since we are buying (or have bought) this minivan I'm very stressed about money. We should be able to afford it but we are going to have to cut out any extras that we enjoy or just not have any money to put into savings. I don't like cutting it so tight, especially since Jason spends so much without thinking. He really is trying and is much better than he used to be but I still worry about money. I decided I needed to find a way to make some extra money but getting a job was sort of a silly thought since I'd have to quit in a few months or find full time daycare for two kids. That would probably cost me most of what I made anyhow and honestly... even though I get bored, feel like I'm going insane and becoming stupid sometimes I am glad that I can stay at home and raise my child. Especially now that you always hear horror stories about day cares and baby sitters. At least at home I know what is happening to my child. Anyhow, a neighbor of ours needed to find temporary day care until her name came up on the list for a permanent day care. I told her that we needed some extra money and that I would watch her daughter until she was placed into a permanent daycare... hoping that would be before my due date. Problem number one is that I signed Madison up for swimming lessons in July and I have to be in the water as well so I'll need someone to watch Cierra during that time. And then yesterday Gi (the mother) came by and told me what day she'd need me to start and that another friend of hers needed to find day care. I don't want this to turn into me being a day care provider. I'm not certified for daycare through the state or Navy and I can get in big trouble if I'm watching a bunch of kids at my house. A temporary deal for one child would be no big deal but having more than that would make me nervous and I honestly don't think I can handle it. The greedy side of me says that we could really use the money but the rest says I'd go insane. I have no idea how long this lady needs care for either and I would NOT be permanent. When my due date comes around I don't want to be responsible for two children plus my own and have to go to the hospital. I definately do not want to have a newborn and be providing day care for other children either... it would honestly send me to the nut house.

I told her probably not for the other kid but if the lady just needs me to watch her for a month or two I might consider it. As long as our dang minivan gets here before the end of June! Jason really needs to get on the ball and finish up this deal so my parents can ship that thing here. With one extra child I will be needing it for sure! I'm so tired of having one car and depending on Jason being home to be able to use the car. There's no way two kids and all their junk would comfortably fit in our small car anyhow. I really need a double stroller as well so that I can continue to go on walks with Madison and Cierra. I don't want to stop exercising just because I'm watching a kid and it will take up some time in the day. Might also help keep me sane.

disneyland, rants/ponderings, kids, general life stuff

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