The mango juice I'm drinking was on sale 2/$5...and it's dee-lish!

Aug 15, 2010 23:36 day was alright. It rained on and off in MD and as usual it was bi-polar because in Jessup-which is split into two counties-when you cross over the Howard county line onto the Anne Arundel county area the rain was light-barely a pitter-patter. the Howard county side, however, was a mass of loud pops on the windows. Not that I mind, I love the rain. Hell, I used to dance in it and act as if I could control it! <3 I had to go to two beauty stores, a walmart, and then another beauty store just to get the highlighting kit I wanted for my hair!!! <- Which I'm using in place of bleach so I don't damage my used-and-abused-by-chemicals hair!

Being the INFP personality type that I am, my mind consistently wanders like an alley cat curious about its surroundings-not taking the time to focus on everything individually but so much at once. I seriously wonder if I have ADD/ADHD, my world of friends knows I'm hyper enough and so damn unfocused. >.< Speaking of which, I'm steadily being sidetracked when trying to do work for my (online) courses. Meh noes likes it! I can't wait to be back to physical school-online just isn't for me. Hmm...I wonder if I'll have back problems in my old lady days-it seems to be a case already-but I think it's because of the lack of adequate exercise. Well, at least the lack of exercise doesn't affect my figure-and thank goodness for that, because my appetite=whoaa.

My Korean-English dictionary is still untouched for the most part. It mind as well had sat at HanBooks store longer :P I'll get around to it soon. GAH I have so many books I want to read, yet books I haven't finished yet! See? Unfocused! The internet is such a distraction to my shop-a-holic brain and a friend with my bank card. It's like giving a crack-head his fix. I read manga earlier but my bro's stupid verizon service is acting we-tall-did. -__- My brother bought me some new vans today! How sweet...My weekend's been pretty cool, hope it carries on into the week.

*Ah, I can't thank trrick_starr enough for introducing me to D, their music and wow they're super fagtastic and fantastic. Asagi is so frilly and Tsunehito so lacey...gosh I wanna bite them in the best way! xD <3

musings of a content girl

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