25 random things about me

Jul 22, 2010 15:40

1. I am easily distracted
2. I could come up with a poem as easily as I can write my name
3. I don't gossip, but I observe and reflect in my own time.
4. Sometimes I think I'm a shopaholic <.<
5. Prejudice sickens me. STFU about interracial relationships and grow up! Yes, I LOVE Asian men, White men, (amongst others) etc etc deal with it and don't come to me saying "you're shunning your race." Who the hell said love and relationships are about color? It's about connection you fucking sickos!
Oh and why so bothered about gay/lesbian/trans-gender? It's not like you're the one that sleeps with the person so STFU and get a life! *SMILE*
6. I'm right, you are not! I think this in my head until you give me solid proof.
7. I'm not content living in a place that does not have ethnic, cultural and fashion diversity.
8. Ignorance is my enemy.
9. I have a very dark soul that peeks out and says "boo!"
10. I'm pretty pessimistic, but my little ray of optimism almost always wins. (For a pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic)
11. I am going to warped tour towards the end of this month
12. Until I moved 2 years ago, I'd go outside on my grandmother's deck when it rained, acted like I could control the speed of the rain (it would really work sometimes :O), and run around in the yard..I even danced in the rain
13. I love when rain smells fresh-lately in GA when I've been outside the rain stinks though =/
14. I have obsessions with music, clothes, and Asian drama (think I'm gonna go buy that You're beautiful 6-disc set)
15. I'm smart-at least, I think so, but in school I slacked off because I couldn't stay focused.
16. My mom and I are like twins in many ways, we get along so well and can also bump heads. <- She's more conservative
17."Once I pop, I can't stop" really, I can't...so don't ever offer me the can
18. I start/think up so many ideas/projects that they're not all complete
19. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was halfway into my teens I think <.<
20. I only like being compared to people that I like.
21. Currently eating snickers ice cream
22. I don't give trust so easily, but distrust comes about without difficulty
23. I like change, dislike repetition
24. I think imitating scary characters like the girl from the ring-and the girl from the grudge-is fun! well, any form of acting is fun for me-especially monologues and improv.
25. I'm a fire sign...I'll burn you! lol


random, 25, about me

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