Title: The Pleasantly Deranged Spaceship Commander
Fandom: Firefly
Character/s: All
Prompt: See title
Word Count: 315
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my 'verse *pout*
Summary: This is a prompt from
Drabble Challenge. While the theme was romance book titles, this is not romance themed *hides*
Notes: I haven't written fic in months (really) Please be
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I am a mite curious as to what is going on! I like it and want to know more. Your voices are wonderful!
Psst: Everyone stood looking at River and during those few second Mal managed sneaked out off the bridge. did you want those few seconds Mal managed to sneak off the bridge? And Kaylee is on the bridge, why is Inara waiting outside her bunk?
And thank you for the CC, I really appreciate it. I'm getting back in the groove of things and need it. *hugs you*
IWenceslas@aol.com just put your name in the subject line.
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