Day off + 1st day w/o the PIL + another attempt @ Scones :)

Jul 01, 2009 17:13

I was on sick leave yesterday...and today took my day in lieu for working labour day this year...sent the in laws to the airport last night for their holiday...well as usual that fat bitch did comment (was told) about me being away for 2's none of her fat biz....the only person who can comment will be my superior..not my subordinate...I was sneezing away the day before so not surprising that I want to rest at home and so happen it's my day off....most ppl do it e other way...come back from annual leave + a day sick leave...Im just e opposite but not intentional..well unfortunately...that's her from the start and will never frustrating to be working with such a person...I hope she leaves soon...

Well I had my rest yesterday so today was alright..just chilling out....enjoying time with the hubby....we have abt 3 weeks of ourselves...I know hubby misses his parents but Im cool...Im already away from my folks...but I enjoy the time that we now have alone....

So we went out for lunch & walkies some stuff for dinner spaghetti bolognaise....simple lah...instead of rice & few more wks to be cooking them...the headache will be to think of what to cook....and every morning now I have to walk on my own for 15min (estimated)to the bus stop as my FIL normally drops me off and coz hubby starts early....but excercise's cold in the mornings so should be alright....1st time tomorrow so will be up 6.45am instead of my normal 7am and see how I go..

I baked scones again today...and with better flour + kneading + scone cutter...the scones turned out looking better and tasted better too.....

Time to shower and prepare to cook dinner....

baking, us

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