So I've been selling stuff voraciously in FM the past few days. Some things move, others don't.
I'm noticing a gender based thing going on. You can't give away female Bowman gear.
So the idea is to find out what people play based on class/gender. Answer questions that are applicable to you. Obviously don't answer both male and female. Even if you're a hermaphrodite, pick based on if you stand or sit when you pee.
All questions concern your main character. If you have 2 Bowmen or whatever, we're just talking about your main character. If you want to do the poll but don't have a 2nd job yet, pick what you're going to be when you get it. BTW, I don't care about the gender of your character. Being a male and usually playing female chars, I still picked male. Most people stick to gender, but I'm mostly curious what people pick and what their gender is.
Poll A/S/L