The N00b adventures: MapleStory Edition. (NOTE, HAS BEEN EDITED. i FORGOT ONE PART, LOL)
So my character, lvl 11 Magician, was done with killing snails and being chased by pigs. (EDIT: I forgot to mention: The thing that really made me want to leave: Some crazy players started using this summon bag to summon crazy horsemen to trample me and other newbs to death. Twice. What the hell is that?) I decided to fulfill a quest given to me way earlier in the game: deliver a letter to Ludibrim or Lubriderm or something... I scrape together all the mesos I can get, and head to the ship platform to go to Orbis, and hopefully from there, Ludibrium... After takeoff, I'm by myself, soaring through the sky on a boat-plane. Until...
This creepy thing shows up. Maplers know what it is. i didn't. (though I find out later in this story, lol) I try to jump on it, hit it with my wand, anything to engage it, because it seems like the right thing to do. Nothing happens. so i wait until we dock at Orbis.
A beautiful city in the sky, Orbis is filled with fairies. Adorable, squee-inducing fairies. I run ito this big creepy toga guy who says "I love the kitties..." Yeah. Moving on. I look aroud until I find a portal to a beautiful place with clouds and ropes hanging from balloons. Happy! THree other people come in behind me and go down the rope. I decide to follow them, assuming they may be able to help me find where I want to go. But while trying to catch up with them, i see some cute bouncy things with stars on them. And when I say cute, I mean it. I want to see if they're enemies, but as a Mage, I'm not good at close range combat. I pick a place far enough away to cast a test shot. I fire, and it hits, but then a flood of these bouncy star things come out of nowhere and crash into me! It doesn't take two seconds for me to die!! Who knew these things pack an attack that can take away 200 hit points at a time?! (I can hear the Maplers laughing at me...) So after coming back, I recharge, and see how I can go about getting to Lubridum-dum. I find out a ticket for that boat costs 2000, but i don't have enough. So I go off in search of something easy to kill. I find boxes. Random wooden boxes that when beaten open, have mesos and apples in them. Sweet.
Going through a portal in search of more boxes, I see a beautiful Fairy statue and another portal, and that's all. So I take the portal and now I'm in some tower. It seems deserted, so I descend into it a bit. I see little floating round things and I'm thrown into a flashback: At the very very beginning of the game, I was taught how to fight and use the controls. The teacher said to attack this thing and pick up what it drops. He called them Jr. Sentinels, and said they held a LOT of power, but these had been de-powered... So back to the present, I wonder if these Jr. Sentinels are the real thing. I don't have time to go back up the rope to a safe place because now they're upon me. Yeah. DEAD. Only having 250 some hit points sucks in this world.
So now I'm back in Orbis, recharging and wondering how the hell I'm supposed to get back to the safety of Ellinia, when another player shows up: HoHenHein. Hoho drops something, and I watch to see if she'll pick it up. When she doesn't, (I'll call her a she because I didn't have time to check...) I say hi. She says hi. Freindly. I ask what that was she dropped. "Gruben tails," she says, "You can have them if you want." fourty seven of em. "Really?! Thanks so much!" she laughs, wondering why I'm so happy, and I tell her my plight. It is pretty funny after all. She gives me some Hit Point restorers, which I learn are called hp pots for short. Fifty two white potions. I make sure to buddy her so I can thank her later, as she has to go. I sell off half the items, to gain cash. Now I can get to Lubidilly to get rid of this stinking letter!!!
Or so I think. On my way to the ship, Hoho messeges me. I decide to further entertain her with tales of my n00bness as thanks for helping me out. She assures me that everyone starts out this way, and I should just keep going. I tell her where I'm headed. She seems confused as to why, and I tell her I have to get this letter to someone. She says "But that person is a loooong way away; at the bottom of a 100 story tower. Great... "Are there monsters?" I ask, my insides sinking. "Yep. bad ones. XD" "*headsmack*" So now I'm in Ludicrap, a place that looks like LegoLand. I have to get back on a ship. Oh, btw you have to wait on the ships, which run on a 15-minute schedule. I sell off everything I can to get the money for the two rides. Hoho is dying from laughter by now. She somehow gets the strength to tell me necessary details to help me in the game, including how, once on the ship to my final destination, I should hide in the ship's lower deck. That is, if I don't want to get killed by something called Balrog. I exclaim "OMG! is that what that thing was?! A monster of death?!" I'm surprized she didn't pass away from the laughter.
On this ride, I'm not alone. Some other more experienced players are blowing stuff up. hoho says it's a spell that blows up money to inflict damage. So I'm like "Great. Psychos." I hide in the lower deck. They find me. (I'm giving Hoho the playbyplay as well.) One guy has a cat, who is telling him off and is unable to poop. The girl is blowing stuff up and making frog fart. The other guy is in his underclothes, talking to the first guy en Espanol... Hoho and I are having a great laugh at all this. One of em drops a Zombie tooth and leaves it, so I pick it up. If they want it back, I'll give it back. No one bothers me, until underpants man takes interest in me. he says "Are those newb shoes?" I'm afraid, but I say yes. "Give them to me." What? "Give me those shoes!" He starts to poke at me with his weapon, a club, which can't hurt me, but scares the crap out of me. Cat man dude is still yelling at his cat, who's still yelling back at him saying it's depressed. The chick is still summoning green frog farts. And Underpants is jumping around dumping cash. I pick up 5000 that he dropped in a bag and left. (Hoho tells me once you get so far in the game, money is not a problem) He's jumping all around and poking at my feet again in no time, demanding my shoes. I shout "No! these are my shoes!" And he says "No, my shoes." Allright, freaked out now. The ship mercifully lands, and I run like a bat outta hell. Hoho asks if i'm okay. I'm okay, I respond. UNTIL I SEE CAP'N UNDERPANTS RIGHT BEHIND ME! I run away, and he chases me, demanding my shoes. i tell Hoho that i HAVE to log off, before this guy attacks me. She cracks up (understandably) and we say bye.
Phew!! the end! If you're out there, HoHenHein, I thank you. And as for you, Cap'n Underwear, fuck off!!