She Blinded Me With Science!!!

Dec 25, 2005 20:36

I am reading some biographies of some of these scientists who have made significant contributions to the understanding of the Universe, the World and to our lives.

I know I have brought these issues up before. But I am so amazed that these women and men were able to 'think outside the box' and see things from alternate perspectives. I was just reading about Enrico Fermi, physicist and his contributions. As usual, I got to thinking how the age of those types of scholars and thinkers are gone- to be replace by those who are hired out by the pharmaceutical companies to make money. In the end I always come back to Dr. Jonas Salk and his discovery of the vaccine for Polio.

Unlike some scientists who sought wealth or fame accompanying their innovations, Salk stated "Who owns my polio vaccine? The people! Could you patent the sun?". Good for Salk and good for us!

I think that generation of thinkers has ceased to exist. We now lump independent inventors, thinkers together in one group and call them 'crack-pots'. Any ideas that are new or original are sometimes never accepted because they contradict accepted norms. In fact it may take years or generations for truths to be accepted as truths. Sorta like Galileo and his views on the heliocentric solar system.

There are so few great scientists and thinkers and inventors. Then there are those who enter a field and do nothing to expand it but just work within the boundaries already established by those who have come before them -contributing nothing but resting on the laurels of others. Sir Issac Newton once stated, 'If I have seen farther it is by standing on the shoulders of giants". Newton built upon what others like Galileo and Kepler had accomplished.

Today we have more doctors, lawyers, engineers and professionals. Many reap the benefits of all those who have done great things yet rarely does any one stand out. I just feel that we, as a society, are losing our independent thinking. Losing our ability to aim higher than just learning for learning sake. We complain but we do nothing about it. Yes I know I am being overboard.

Maybe I am just mad at myself. I kept on seeing there was more to what I was doing yet I was being held back by others who were obsessed with their own progress and not working toward the 'greater good'.

If I had one wish, it would be that I would be able to see things in a similar light that made them all so curious, so determined and so successful in their chosen field.

Well I can dream, can't I?


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