Mists of Morpheus

Dec 23, 2004 12:12

Having a terrible time sleeping in the night.

I go to bed tired, then I decide to do some reading and next thing I know, its 1 am in the morning. I just begun reading "State Of Fear" by Michael Crichton. As usual it is very well done. He makes everything so believable with his fusion of Technology and Futuristic ideas. I'm even more into this one because it covers some environmental issues.

I am not a big environmentalist as some people. I think that people should pick a cause that means something and try to bring about change. My beliefs cover the issues of Poverty, Educational Rights and Equality. But when you choose to challenge Status Quo, all issues begin to squish together.

Anyways, back to the book. This one, so far, looks at Global Warming. I know most people think that Global Warming is bad. I think that Scientists have been lying to us about it. I keep on hearing mixed messages: Hole in the Ozone layer; Ice Caps Melting, Oceans shrinking; Species dying. The list goes on and on.

First of all, I am not saying that these problems do not exist. I believe they do exist but I also think that perhaps these events are partially normal events in Nature.

Huh? "How can you say that, you foul pro-big business/Industry Conservative, Fascist bastard!?!?"

I am not any of the above. But I know thats what some of you are thinking. YES Industry is destroying the environment and yes, the Government is more interested in protecting its financial interests than the publics interests. But who gains from this information (or misinformation as I see it??)

A few million years ago the US was a shallow ocean and the Earth was supposedly a very tropical place where Dinosaurs shared margaritas under frothy Palm trees. Then the scientists told us that there was a BIG explosion that caused dust to fly into the air cooling the planet and killing the dinosaur. So in other words, the Earth cooled.

Well now they say the Earth is warming again. Maybe it is going back into balance. We all know that the Earth is not only revolving but also slowly shifting. From examining the way that irons in rock are lined up, scientists have learned that at one time, the Equator was lined up in a North/South direction. To back this up, scientist have said that the North Pole moves a few centimeters every year and to further back this up, scientists have said that the North Star changes every few thousand/hundred thousand years.

So what is this all leading to?

The Media reports any news that is shocking or titillating. Be careful of what they report.

Industry reports that they are helping the environment by planting trees. But forgets to mention the erosion of soil that THEY caused in the first place.

My fave is tobacco companies funding research to say things like "There is no discernable evidence that smoking is addictive or causes cancer". Can you imagine Tobacco companies FIGHTING for the word "MAY" in the disclaimer? "May cause harm to unborn". WOW

So how does this tie into poverty. Provide the basic needs to the people in countries that still depend on subsistence farming. Teach them better agricultural skills.

Either include Nicotine and Caffeine as drugs or make MJ legal (hee hee).

Give Tax breaks to companies who follow environmental guidelines.

I will leave you with those thoughts... Twisted as they may be...What do YOU think?

Mother Nature wins in the end.

I know you don't believe me. But she does. I think we must help but she will win.

reviews, books, faves, politics

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