The City That Never Sleeps Part II

Oct 02, 2004 19:02

New York...
The Big Apple!
Lady Liberty!
Wall Street!
The Empire State Building!

I'm here! I'm traveling about on the Subway. It really has changed in the last 10 years. Cleaner, safer and only two crazies- The spanish speaking minister who was preaching in the subway and the NAVY SEAL who was telling everyone to "get outta the way".

So what have I been doing for the last few days? Well I got into NYC two days ago and met up with LMH at Time Square. It sure has changed. Bigger, brighter, more confusing! But still really cool. We made our way to New York University and walked around. Sadly I was suffering from a bad cold and was feeling rather blah. LOMEDHi has been GREAT company. She has been kindly showing me the ins and outs of the BIG CITY. I'm impressed with her ability to fit in so well...Multicultural GRRRL!!!!

We went to NYU again on Thursday to find out about Grad admissions. It was all very interesting. I am amazed by the atmosphere of Greenwich Village. Its just so relaxing. It makes me want to go back to school again.

I went to the WTC Site to see the damage. Sadly all of the debris and rubble have been removed and many of the images that have come to dominate the Media is no longer visible or perhaps hidden. However, the area has been changed to accomadate the many tourists that will be making a pilgrimage to see the site. It was not that busy on the day we were there. To be honest, I expected to be really moved by the experience. I was not. Perhaps I was expecting something else. It seemed a bit sanitized. I still feel that it is a special site and perhaps very touching to many. Perhaps I just did not connect at that moment. I do know that being in Hiroshima was overpowering to me. And seeing anything to do with the Vietnam War Memorial makes me weep. I felt sorrow at the WTC Site and recognized the event for what it was- A coming of Age in America. A loss of innocence that will never return.

I also checked out Columbia University. It too was beautiful. different from NYU. Quieter, less bustle. I think I would prefer the bustle of Greenwich but the experience and Education of Columbia U. (Update: How prophetic did that statement turn out to be???Aug 2nd 2006)

I ended up doing a bit of shopping. Picking up my cK boxers and a couple of shirts. I swore I was NOT going to do a lot of shopping but I caved in when I saw the prices. I also got these kool magnets and some interesting T-shirts.. LomedHi was supposed to prevent me from doing impulse buying and stupid shopping... She failed.....MISERABLY!

There was a BIG Book Fair in Greenwich Village today. It's the same as the Toronto Book fair called "Word On The Street". This one had many interesting booths but the difference was you could not really find ANY bargains. Most of the places only sold books without taxes. However I was able to pick up a copy of PENDRAGON for free. People were very friendly. We also went and had Thai food again. Yesterday I met up with LoMedHi's friend Steve who is working at NYU. It is nice that she now has someone close to her who is close to her!!!

* Very Multicultural
* Everyone had their NOSE pierced
* Felt Safe above and below Ground
* Excellent Atmosphere
* Good restaurants except for the "Excellent Noodle Shop" which wasn't.
* Confusing Train in the world can I actually think that the Japanese system is easier?!?
* Air-Con trains but steaming hot stations.
* Fascinating Architecture!
* Abundance of EVERYTHING- This ain't "The Land Of Plenty" for nothing

Note: Lady Liberty, Wall Street, The Empire State Building and Broadway was not visited...But they do exist...honest!

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