
Jun 28, 2004 10:44

I really look forward to the weekends.

Not because I do much on them but instead because I can have the choice to do nothing or do little.

This weekend was very good. I arranged to meet with some people for GAMES night at the Cafe Veloce. I thought more people would turn out but it ended up only being four of us. Paul D., Urs the Curse, lomedhi and me! Mr English was unable to make it due to immediate issues. I hope he is going to be ok. I expected Jason and Jack to show up but I guess they were busy.

We ended up playing Scattergories for about 2 hours but that was getting a bit dull. I casually mentioned that I would like to cook some Indian food and everyone said sure. So we bought all the ingredients and made our way to my place. We actually bumped into Hamilton and Kento.

I ended up making Curry with Spinach and Lomedhi decided to learn to cook and made a curry with tofu... Both came out well, though I have not heard from Ursula and Paul, so I do not know if the survived the day after!

The funny thing about that meal was PD. He took a triple helping! Usuallly I would not care but I wa so surprise, I actually made a harsh comment. I just did not expect him to eat so much and at the same time!

We ate and watched Independence Day with Will Smith. i did not remember it being so bad the first time I saw it... oh well!

The sad thing is, I may not see those guys again in such a laid-back environment again. Yes, I will see them at the Thank You Ceremony and at the goodbye party but it will not be the same. Perhaps we can try one more time?

This week promises to be another tense one. I have to get to COSTCO go buy the bottles of maple syrup for all my friends who will be coming to the party in Saturday. I also have to invite Mr Yen and his wife. I have no idea who is coming and how many.


food, alts, japan

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