...and the rocket's red glare

Feb 03, 2007 00:29

Friday I went to watch a university basketball game. It is such a difference from Canadian sports and university sports in general. Americans are really into their sports and their universities. I went to see the both men's and women's basketball. I like watching both and both are very different. I have to say that the caliber is different but since this is a NCAA Division III team, I would say that most Canadian universities would compete with them. Ya gotta remember that this place is not an athletic powerhouse like St. John's down the road or Duke or UCLA. It is known as a research university.

That being said, it was a pretty good experience. One of the things that is pretty noticeable is that there were mainly goofy undergrads there. It's weird, but I don't think I saw anyone I recognized (I guess they don't use the library). I think with my schedule I do not come in contact with any of the undergrads so it was strange seeing them en masse at the game.

Now if this was a Division I school, there would be seating for anywhere from 10, 000 to 40, 000. And lord knows how many seats are in the Syracuse Carrier Dome. So usually in those Division I schools, Athletics is big money. Here, if you're a student, you get in free and they give you a free t-shirt and a rather cool water bottle ( I got 2 t-shirts) and....

Now they also said there was going to be food. I thought it would be... you know... junk. Instead when I went to look, it was sausages and hamburgers and salad and soda and chips and ice cream (and it was really good ice cream). And did I mention it was all free????

Oh, guess I should tell you about the game. I stayed and watched the women's game and stayed to watch the men's but by the time the men's game started the place became packed. I can't handle the big big crowds. so when it began, I watched for about 10 minutes and left (and got some food). The women's team defeated the first ranked team Washington University and I found out that the men also defeated their rival. So it was a sweep.

I should mention that they sang the American Anthem at the beginning of both games. I thought that was strange but....this is America. I should say, that when I hear the American anthem, I do get goose bumps. I don't know why. I do know that I know the American anthem as well as the Canadian (and the Trinidadian one for that matter).

Slacked off majorily today.

ny grad, ny social

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