
Nov 10, 2006 23:42

Angus and the Chocolate Factory
I ended up at the Chocolate Show today. It was.... choco-licious!. Right now, I am on a chocolate high. I had so many samples of chocolate truffles and chocolate bar bits and chocolate chips and chocolate of every shape, texture and quality. Some of it was just spot on others were... well some of it was a 'selected taste' but I was willing to at least try it.

There were over 70 different chocolatiers from all over the world. It was something else. There were many from Brussels and France and believe it or not from Japan... Yes you heard me right The place is called 'Mary's and it is based in Tokyo. I remember seeing them in Fujisawa and I think I tried it about once or twice. But as you know, it was so expensive!! At this show there were free samples of chocolate covered in burnt sesame seeds and covered in in o-cha (green tea). I loved the sesame but still not crazy about the o-cha.

Your Mission SHould You Choose
I did have a mission when I was at the chocolate show. It was to find the chocolate with the same color as my skin tone. I have always thought I was bittersweet but now I think perhaps I am more bittersweet dark chocolate. A few of the people laughed and...well it was funny.

Chocolate Company
A few days ago I had casually mentioned to the cohort about perhaps going to it but I had not thought definitely but LH and her friend decided they were going to go. I was feeling pretty tired today because I had I gotten up too early and had done my laundry and had done some reading for one of my courses and then was thinking I needed a nap. I thought I would just take an nap and go because I really wanted to see the chocolate. But when I awoke, I was so groggy that I thought I would stay home. I weighed the options. One of the things some of my friends know about me is I tend to change my mind frequently and sometimes just can't be bothered to meet up with friends. I have been trying to break that cycle.

I decided to go because I needed to get our and I was not disappointed! I have never seen so many women with smiles on their faces. As LH pointed out, chocolate has a similar ingredient that is released that is close to experiencing an orgasm. (I don't think it is about endorphins.)..She said this at the end, but my mind was already working on that since I walked in (not that I would tell LH and her friend that:d ). Needless to say... there were many women smiling and everyone was in a good mood.. So I think, that it was more 'truth than rumor'

Chocolate 'Cocktail Culture'
We met at 5 and we walked around for about 2.5 hours then sat down... in a place where they had a demonstration. It was a bartender who was making a drink with chocolate as an ingredient... It was Chocolate, Tequila, some spices (that was strangely similar to curry-and even the bartender said so), chili (yeah, you heard that right), a peanut based sauce and a sweet syrup made of the same stuff as tequila. It was topped with roasted pumpkin rolled in peanuts. It was served in a martini glass. It was interesting but sniffed it and it was just not that good... some people actually liked it but I thought it was a waste.

Afterward, when I went to talk to him I told him I did not drink and he asked me to taste the syrup. I was like curry and an... acquired taste. There was one woman there who was giving me the eye...but I think with the mix of chocolate and alcohol, she probably saw me as a giant chocolate bar!

I also asked him if I could write to him to ask him to come up with a drink if I had a party, he said, 'Of course!'. It was strange meeting a person whose whole life is dedicated to mixing drinks but 'also creating drinks'. Weird but cool...I told him I was fascinated with... and he said, 'cocktail culture'..I think that really summed it up. I wish I could create a drink!

Second Verse, Same as The First
After the first time around, LH decided to buy some gifts for people and I wanted to get more samples of chocolate. I had actually bought a small plastic container to put the samples in. Someone had mentioned it and I thought it was a good idea but I thought at the time that they would not have that many samples Well was I wrong!!!!

So I collected about one small container with about 40 pieces of chocolate. I hope it lasts me longer that one day. I can only assume that I ate more than twice that!

I started chatting with the manager of the Japanese chocolate store. It is so funny because, my nihongo is terrible but they are always shocked to see someone who knows any Japanese. One thing about them is they think that nihongo is too hard for gaijin to learn.. They are too funny. He was a pleasant mans and we chatted for about 5 minutes. Then I talked to the translator. She actually lives here in NYC and translates full time. It sounds like a good opportunity.

I wanted to mention the artistry that went into the Japanese chocolates. I can see why they came in second in some important contest. It was amazing. They had chocolate that looked like little sushi rolls... It was beautiful!!! LH bought some and I wish I did... but as usual it was a bit expensive. I did take a tonne of the free samples though!!!

Chocolate High
I was actually worried that I would get a sugar high and not be able to sleep but I think I am fine. It was an unbelievable amount of chocolate.

Real Food
We went out for real food after. I think we needed something to sustain us. It was a short evening but it was so intense that it felt longer.

Good Day
I have a lot of work to do. I wanted to do it but I am trying to balance my life every once in awhile. I think its good to hang with the people in the program because it is usually short because we always have work to do. I think we made a concerted effort NOT to talk about classes but we did talk a little but not too much... Our mouths were too full of chocolate.

food, ny social, sex

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