So Close Yet So Far

May 22, 2006 19:13

This morning I got a call from a realtor who wanted to show me a place near NYU. I do mean very near NYU. It was a 5 minute walk to the School from the apartment. I was walking toward the place and thinking to myself, 'It would be something to live around here!'. Two blocks from where my classes would be and the rent was only $1150! (Yeah I know...When did over one thousand dollars ever become only!!.

I talked to the realtor and he said that it was fortunate to get this place. It was interesting. It was very small. About the size of a dorm room, so about 300 square feet. apart from the ugly paint job, orange and pink (I kid you not!). It had a few redeemable features. Mainly the building was nice and it was small. But the bad did outweigh the good. First of all, through my 'window' was a beautiful blank brick wall with the most minimal of lighting. I mean, in the summer it would barely have light. It would be worse than living in a cave. I am not going to mention the metal grill to cover the window. Since it is the second floor it is for safety.

The apartment had a midsized fridge and I believe they would have thrown in the Microwave. But the bathroom was so small, I would basically have to be standing outside the door to brush my teeth. Plus it really was a bit dingy. I don't like dingy bathrooms. I filled out all the paperwork and asked him if I could have a day to decide since it was such a big decision. He told me yes. Then he told me that it would cost $400 to do a background check on not only me but also my guarantor. $400!!! I exclaimed. He said that it is the landlord who said that. All I know is that the first realtor I talked to, was saying something between $60 to $75 for a Credit check... Weird feeling about that.

I left the apartment as the next person was coming in with a few ideas swirling through my head. I liked the location and I was thinking... 'Perhaps I should take a chance on this'. I mean I passed up a good opportunity with that first apartment I saw and then the one in Brooklyn, while good, I feel would have ended up costing me a lost on heating. So I went to the Office of Graduate Studies to see if my uncle had emailed me and faxed me the info for Tama. It turned out he had been in the hospital and had forgotten the rest of the information. How come when something is important like this, everything seems to come apart??

I spent about 1.5 hours in the Office trying to track down some info. In fact I was supposed to go to the Financial Aid office to see if there were any letters sent by CitiAssist and IEFC to the University. But for some strange reason, I forgot...

I walked out the building thinking about the apartment I had just seen when it hit me...The place did not have a kitchen.

nyu, quest, travel

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