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Still Meh. ext_127419 February 4 2009, 02:31:29 UTC

There, I feel better. The death flags for Sergei were flying everywhere, but still! I expected Heroic Sacrifice, not Andrei's stupidity!! Ugh. He and Louise make a perfect couple >___> Well, A-Laws is full of stubborn and bitter people who misunderstand.. (Billy is another one of those) well, 'cept Patrick (he's too much of a dork to be bitter I think XD) and Kati.

Ok, if there is one thing that I have learned in my new job... it's the value of communication. And what we are bare to witness with Andrei is a complete and under collapse of communication with an event that few, not even his Father, can come to grips with.
It's understandable that Segeri acted the way that he did about it. It was a private way to morn the loss. It's even understandable that Andrei seems to despise his Father for the order to withdraw (even through, by the looks of things... Segeri, as much as Andrei paints it otherwise, had no pleasure in that order. And it is something that still take his toll on him). But what he did, what Andrei did in his own confusion, is angst taken a step too far.

but it did destroy the station
My Turn to rave... please bare with me.

WHAT THE FUCK!!!? I MEAN REALLY, WHAT KIND OF HALF ASSED DROP IS THIS. This almost makes me wish that they revisit some U-FUCKING-C... When Zeon said they are going to drop a colony, THEY DROP A FUCKING COLONY. Once the drop gets started, few things can stop it, and you can sense the dread associated with it. When the Titans say they are going to gas your colony (and by the way, you get no warning if you are a civilian), guess what... over hell and high water, they fight damn hard to gas you, and hey they have success with a few of them, just the nail down the point that they mean business.
Hell, even SEED has a moment where (Genesis or Nukes... take your pick) where you get the feeling that one side (or both, in this case) is playing for keeps... even if it means they go to hell (or your Azral whom just doesn't care).
00, A-laws is lucky enough to fucking clip the thing and what do we get... tiles of massive damage... And then they take all guns they have and shoot down most (if not all) of them? WHAT THE FUCK?! What, can't A-laws get a win to look even more sinister and evil?! No? Then WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL THAT SET UP FOR? THIS? URGH!
Here is hoping this is two staged fallout, if not.... FAIL, MASSIVE -FUCKING- FAIL!

Sergei meant everything to Soma, and while I dunno if she's gonna take over, I don't think she'll just sit and do nothing.

Same, I am expecting some reaction that will be Soma-like in some manner. But they tore her down before, I am almost expecting that they do it again.

But, the next ep preview showed her face, and it looked like a Soma expression =D So maybe she's finally gonna come out of the kitchen and kick some Little Bear a$$

One can only hope... One can only hope.

Still lacked some Gr--- MISTA Bushido and Trans-GrahAM, and something seems missing from 00 as a whole. Maybe it's the lack of follow through with a few things (see: Fucking DROP!), or many it's something else. I'm still on the edge with this.


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