Dec 16, 2007 15:50
Last year was unusually warm and we only got about 2/3 of the snow that we get in an average winter in this area. But this year, things are going a bit differently. As of yesterday, we'd already gotten almost as much snow as we had all last winter. and sometime in the night, it started snowing. And just kept on snowing. After getting up, showering, and making tea, I shovelled off my front step, and my sidewalk, and had just finished when a huge volume of snow came tumbling off the roof to fill in my sidewalk again. So I reshovelled my sidewalk, walked through the snow drifts and blowing snow to a nearby Jewish deli to have a breakfast of bacon, eggs and cheese on a sesame bagel (I don't know a lot about Jewish dietary law, but I don't think that would be considered a kosher meal), then helped push a car out of a snowdrift, and walked throught the blowing snow to a local pharmacy to buy some things for my trip next week, By the time I got back home, the falling and blowing snow had filled in my sidewalk again. By the time I went back out to go to the grocery story, I had to reshovel my sidewalk. And it's apparently going to continue snowing all night. Getting to work tomorrow should be fun, even though I live in the middle of a city, and near a bus route. This really is shaping up to be an old fashioned Ottawa christmas, of the kind we haven't seen for years. But that's okay with, just as long as there's a lull in the storm while I'm travelling next week. I think I'm going to be getting a lot of use out of my long parka, sheepskin lined books and buffalo hide gloves this winter.