(no subject)

Nov 11, 2008 23:16

Today is both municipal election day in Israel and Veteran's Day in the U.S.  Yesterday was the memorial day for Rabin.  As important as all of these are, I don't have a ton to say about any of them right now, so y'all just get some brief points.

Israel's Municipal Elections:
  • Beer Sheva: The incumbent, who's 70, was running against a number of younger candidates including his former deputy mayor.  The latter (based on exit polls) won.
  • Jerusalem: The candidate who, based on exit polls, seems to have won is right-wing.  But I'm actually quite happy at his win, 'cause the guy in second place is ultra-Orthodox and the third runner-up is a war criminal (well, I don't think he's been convicted, but if he enters the EU he'll be extradited).
  • Tel Aviv: A left-wing candidate has run a surprisingly popular campaign against the incumbent mayor.  It's unlikely he'll win, but I'm hoping he's at least force a run-off election (because it's not a 2-party system, if the candidate who wins the plurality of votes gets less than 40% there's a run-off election).  Based on exit polls he didn't succeed.

Veteran's Day
There's a lot to be said about this, but right now I just hope that the coming year sees a smaller percentage of U.S. veterans coming home in body bags.

I remember hearing about his assassination and being stunned.  It was the first time I'd ever heard of a Jew murdering another Jew in cold blood (this was before the Sheinbein case, which, particularly for those of us in the DC area, thoroughly shattered that particular myth); the political implications of it didn't really sink in at the time, even though my mother had insisted that we all watch the (in)famous handshake on the White House lawn two years before.

This year, from what I understand, is the first that his murderer hasn't been given time to speak on Israel's most prestigous television station.  I don't know that it's a good thing; it may just indicate that the cult surrounding Rabin has overshadowed the way he made people feel during his (second) prime ministership (is that a word?).  Anyway, I'm not presumptuous enough to try to expound upon what his murder means for Israeli society today; goodness knows there are enough speeches at the memorial ceremonies that claim to do so.  I am, however, presumptuous enough to object to what someone else says on the subject.  A prominent Israel rabbi says that the left wing is also responsible for Rabin's assassination, which to me makes about as much sense as arguing that the ANC was responsible for Mandela's imprisonment (because clearly parties who work for social justice are responsible when their leaders are harmed by those who don't like those goals).

U.S. Elections
I just keep coming across more interesting links about the recent U.S. elections, so here goes....


holydays and celebrations, news/links, politics

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