a few more election things and some other links

Nov 08, 2008 21:09

IDF troops film themselves humiliating bound Palestinian. I feel like I must be a bad person because my most prominent reaction isn't horror that they'd treat the Palestinian that way or that they'd record themselves doing so (I've heard way too many stories to be surprised by either), but that they'd be stupid enough to put the film online.  Golani is supposed to be one of the elite units, the creme-de-la-creme of Israel's (Jewish) young people, and they were too stupid to cover their asses when recording themselves doing something highly immoral and illegal?!

The IDF is starting de facto marginalization of left-wing leaders
.  Great.

While U.S. flags were highly prominent among audience members at Obama's acceptance speech (I'm assuming they were distributed by the campaign), the audience at McCain's concession speech had red fabric.  On one level, I'm disturbed by the partisanship of that choice, red being the Republican color and all.  On the other hand, given all the "Obama is a socialist" rhetoric, I also find it awfully funny.

In "I <3 Obama" news, apparently he not only announced that discrimination based on sexual orientation will be prohibited in federal hiring decisions, but he added gender identity to the list, too!

Utah boycott urged after CA vote.  Apparently the Latter Day Saints are arguing that they shouldn't be penalized for their political participation but aren't quite getting that just like they're free to encourage others to vote in a hateful way, other people are perfectly entitled to not help fund them.  Pushing for their non-profit status to be revoked, I have to say, I think is problematic ('cause then other 501c(3)s can't lobby, either).  That being said, you'd think a group that had to change it's dogma regarding marriage in order to gain admission to the U.S. would be a bit less prone to lobby for policies that are assholic towards same-sex couples.

Speaking of gay rights and boycotts, ABC, the network that faced a boycott from the religious right after Ellen came out, cut off a lesbian plot line on Grey's Anatomy and fired the (straight) actress who starred in it.  I won't be buying anything from ABC/Disney for a long time.

On a happier note, with the recent elections, New Hampshire's becomes the first state senate with a female majority.

Also, the Conservative movement appoints woman as head for the first time (apparently beating the Reform to the punch)!

israel impressions, that's so gay! (& other gendering), news/links, politics

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